Compliance Assistance Online Media
The Compliance Assistance YouTube channel was created to host descriptive programmatic videos about compliance programs. This channel will also be used to post clips of webinars, training events and presentations given by staff members.
Simplifying Compliance is a blog created by the Enviornmental Compliance Assistance Program (ECAP) to help communicate information to both regulated facilities and the general public. Through this blog, we provide information regarding upcoming ECAP events, important reporting reminders, and other information related to air, waste, and water in Kentucky!
Operator Certification
Operation Matters is a blog created by the department’s Operator Certification Program to communicate with individuals licensed by the agency, including wastewater, drinking water and solid waste operators. Through this tool we provide a variety of information, including job opportunities, updates on regulations, reminders about training events and license renewals, and other information pertinent to industry professionals
The Operator Certification Program e-newsletter was created to digest the past week’s posts from the Operation Matters WordPress site. If you are interested in receiving this weekly newsletter, sign up now.
Kentucky Brownfield Redevelopment Program
The Brownfield Program distributes a newsletter called "Brownfield Bits" covering the latest news on funding, regulations, updates and changes. To sign up to recieve the newsletter, sign up now.