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​​​​​​​​The Kentucky Division of Waste Management (DWM) estimates that about 4 million scrap tires are generated annually in Kentucky. Kentucky waste tire statutes ensure responsible waste tire management. The law requires tire retailers, transporters, and accumulators to register with the state and post a bond. The law also establishes management standards for scrap tires to reduce the risk of fire, and prevent water entrapment and mosquito infestations. 

Rubber-Modified Asphalt (RMA) Grant

Gov. Beshear Announces $500,000 to Four Counties for Applicantion of Rubber-Modified Asphalt to Roadways

FRANKFORT, KY May 13, 2024

 Today, Gov. Andy Beshear and Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC) Secretary Rebecca Goodman announced that $566,176 in grant funding has been awarded to four counties for rubber-modified asphalt projects using waste tires. 

Counties receiving grants include: Christian County ($117,124.99), Meade County ($125,280.00), Todd County ($156,571.00), and Trimble County ($167,199.95).

For more information, please contact Grant White.

Waste Tire Grant​​

​The Division of Waste Management offers a $4,000 grant ​that county government entities can use to properly dispose of waste tires in their area. This grant program is independent of the waste tire collection events and may be utilized annually by any county that applies. For more information, please contact Jenny Carr​.

Waste Tire Collection Events​

The Division of Waste Management offers free waste tire collection events to Kentucky residents. These events occur every three years on a rotating basis for each county in the spring or fall. Updated schedules are posted here every August and February. For more information, please contact Donny Atha.​​​​​​

Crumb Rubber/Tire Derived Products Grant 

Gov. Beshear Announces Nearly $850,000 for Rubber Mulch Projects 

FRANKFORT, KY May 13, 2024

Gov. Andy Beshear announced $847,878 will be awarded to 23 counties for projects using recycled rubber. Projects range from park benches, picnic tables, landscaping, parking curbs, poured-in-place surfacing projects for walking trails, poured-in-place running track and poured-in-place playgrounds that use recycled waste tires.

For more information, contact Lisa Evans at 502-782-6355 (office), 502-330-6829 (cell) or

W​aste Tire Working Group

In the 2011 regular session, the legislature passed House Bill 433, which established the Waste Tire Working Group (WTWG) in KRS 224.50-855, consisting of the director of the Division of Waste Management, the manager of the Recycling and Local Assistance Branch, one representative of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and two representatives of the Solid Waste Coordinators of Kentucky. The group provides advice and input to the cabinet regarding waste tire issues.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.