| ASDWA | Professional association formed in 1984 serving state drinking water programs. |
| AWWA | International nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of water quality and supply. |
| AWWA Kentucky-Tennesee Section | Kentucky and Tennesse section of AWWA. |
| EPA | Protects public health by ensuring safe drinking water, protecting ground water and overseeing implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. |
| Kentucky Division of Plumbing | Kentucky Division of Plumbing |
| KIA | Created in 1988 to provide the mechanism for funding construction of local public works projects. |
| Kentucky Rural Water Association | Statewide association that offers training, technical assistance, advocacy and a variety of other services and benefits to Kentucky water and wastewater utilities as an affiliate of the National Rural Water Association. |
| KWWOA | Statewide not-for-profit association offering membership to all water and wastewater operators throughout the state of Kentucky. |
| NRWA | A nonprofit federation of state rural water associations whose mission is to provide support services to their state associations that have more than 24,550 water and wastewater systems as members. |
| WEF | Not-for-profit technical and educational organization with members from varied disciplines who work toward the WEF vision of preservation and enhancement of the global water environment. |
| WEF Kentucky - Tennessee | Not-for-profit educational and technical organization and is a member association of the WEF. |
| TACWQ | Funded by the EPA, partnered by Western Kentucky University and the Kentucky Rural Water Association, the TACWQ serves the small water systems of Kentucky and EPA Region 4. |
| RCAP | RCAP's programs are targeted to rural communities with populations of fewer than 10,000 people. It specializes in building the capacity of rural residents of communities with populations under 3,300. |
| MEPAK | The Municipal Electric Power Association of Kentucky, known as MEPAK, has been working for Kentucky's city-owned power companies since 1975. These public utilities are owned by citizens and exist solely to provide essential services. |
| WQA | The Water Quality Association (WQA) is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, with international product certification and professional certification programs. It is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a third-party product certifier and is the recognized resource and advocate for the betterment of water quality. The Association's website has a number of tools for consumers looking for resources to better understand their drinking water and potential treatment options. |