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Preventing groundwater pollution is every Kentuckian's concern. The Groundwater Protection Plan regulation 401 KAR 5:037 was promulgated in 1994 by the Division of Water to ensure protection for Kentucky's groundwater resources.

Groundwater recharge provides water to our streams, lakes, ponds, rivers and wetlands. Even though your community may not use groundwater for drinking water, its activities may pollute drinking water for those who live outside the community. The groundwater beneath the homes in your community may travel great distances, eventually surfacing at springs or wells being used as someone's drinking water source.



A GPP identifies activities at a site that have the potential to pollute groundwater and defines best management practices (BMPs) used to protect groundwater.

A GPP is required if you conduct any of the activities listed in Section 1(1) of 401 KAR 5:037.  Activities that require a GPP (Section 1(1)(a through p):
Pesticide or fertilizer storage and handling for commercial purposes or distribution to a retail sales outlet.
Pesticide or fertilizer application for commercial purposes, public right-of-way maintenance, or institutional lawn care.
Land treatment or land disposal of a pollutant.
Storage, treatment, disposal, or handling of hazardous waste, solid waste, or special waste in landfills, incinerators, surface impoundments, tanks, drums, or other containers or in piles.
Commercial or industrial storing or related handling in bulk quantities of raw materials, intermediate substances or products, finished products, substances held for recycling, or other pollutants held in tanks, drums, or other containers or in piles.
Transmission in pipelines of raw materials, intermediate substances or products, finished products, or other pollutants.
Installation or operation of on-site sewage disposal systems.
Storing or related handling of road oils, dust suppressants, or deicing agents at a central location.
Application of related handling of road oils, dust suppressants, or deicing materials.
Mining and associated activities.
Installation, construction, operation, or abandonment of wells, bore holes, or core holes.
Collection or disposal of pollutants in an industrial or commercial facility through the use of floor drains that are not connected to on-site sewage disposal systems, closed-loop collection or recovery systems, or a waste treatment system permitted under the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES).
Impoundment or containment of pollutants in surface impoundments, lagoons, pits or ditches.
Commercial or industrial transfer, including loading and unloading, in bulk quantities of raw materials, intermediate substances or products, finished products, substances held for recycling, or other pollutants.

Anyone who needs a GPP may develop a GPP—no professional certification is required.

A GPP is valid for three years, or whenever activities, protective practices, or personnel change requiring an update.  Inspection and maintenance records must be retained for a period of six years.

To submit your GPP, please either:

  1) Submit a PDF version using the Water Protection Programs Document Submittal page

  2) eMail a PDF version to the GPP Program Coordinator

  3) Mail a hardcopy to: 
      GPP Program Coordinator
      300 Sower Blvd 3rd Floor
      Frankfort, KY 40601

GPP Documents

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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