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​This “Publications Library” includes DOW technical reports, studies funded, in part, under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act, and various other water quality reports.

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TitleDownloadFile SizeAuthor(s)DescriptionYearTR IDNPS ID
1st Annual Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring1st Annual Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring3593437Kentucky Division of WaterThis report characterizes the effect of the Russell County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant discharges on water quality, sediment quality and biological resources in Lake Cumberland and Lily Creek during its first year of operation.1994  
2001: a water odyssey2001: a water odyssey2328666Stephanie Darst (Kentucky State Fair Board)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to develop curriculum for the Water Odyssey exhibition to teach visitors about the concept of a watershed and how to actively improve water quality in their own watershed.2001 95-21
2009 Water Well Owner's Guide2009 Water Well Owner's Guide2680268Kentucky Division of Water2009 version of a handbook providing water well owners with information about routine well disinfection, methane gas and your water well, water well construction and inspection, and well maintenance. (Replaced 1986 version, replaced by 2021 version)2009  
2023 Finished Drinking Water Results2023 Finished Drinking Water Results2219496Kentucky Division of WaterIn 2023, DEP sampled finished drinking water at 113 water treatment plants for 31 different PFAS (PDF version).2023  
2023 Finished Drinking Water Results2023 Finished Drinking Water Results49423Kentucky Division of WaterIn 2023, DEP sampled finished drinking water at 113 water treatment plants for 31 different PFAS (Excel version).2023  
2nd Annual Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring2nd Annual Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring1970377Kentucky Division of WaterThis report characterizes the effect of the Russell County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant discharges on water quality, sediment quality and biological resources in Lake Cumberland during its second year of operation.1995  
3rd Annual Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring3rd Annual Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring1109586Kentucky Division of WaterThis report characterizes the effect of the Russell County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant discharges on water quality, sediment quality and biological resources in Lake Cumberland during its third year of operation.1996  
4th Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring4th Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring1291989Kentucky Division of WaterThis report characterizes the effect of the Russell County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant discharges on water quality, sediment quality and biological resources in Lake Cumberland during its continued operation.1999  
5th Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring5th Report on Operations of Russell County Regional Treatment Plant and Associated Environmental Monitoring2618675Kentucky Division of WaterThis report characterizes the effect of the Russell County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant discharges on water quality, sediment quality and biological resources in Lake Cumberland during its continued operation.2002  
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement in the Lower Rock Creek Watershed: Final ReportAcid Mine Drainage Abatement in the Lower Rock Creek Watershed: Final Report4048727Mark Carew and Steve Hohmann (Kentucky Division of Abandoned Mine Lands)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to reduce sedimentation and acidity entering Rock Creek, return the land to a revegetated state compatible with the surrounding land, and use project for public education.2002 99-22
Addressing Agriculture Nonpoint Source Pollution and Water Quality in Franklin CountyAddressing Agriculture Nonpoint Source Pollution and Water Quality in Franklin County7252046Franklin County Conservation DistrictFinal report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to promote compliance with the Kentucky Agricultural Water Quality Act by assisting 500 farmers with plan development and to promote water quality at two farm field days.2001 99-17
Algal and Habitat Assessments for Reference Reach Stations (1991 through 1995)Algal and Habitat Assessments for Reference Reach Stations (1991 through 1995)6615915Michael R Mills, John F Brumley, Ronald E Houp, Karen L Smathers, Lythia Metzmeier, Gary V Beck, Sam M Call, Susan Cohn, Lee Colten, Jeff Grubbs, Scott Hankla, L Giles Miller, William F Sampson and Mark Vogel (Kentucky Division of Water)Study to categorize water quality as excellent, good, fair, or poor at 40 sites within the Reference Reach Program of the Kentucky Division of Water (Technical Report No. 53).199853 
Ameliorative Designs to Improve the Efficiency of Constructed Wetlands Treating High Metal Load Acid Mine Drainage in the Rock Creek Watershed: Final ReportAmeliorative Designs to Improve the Efficiency of Constructed Wetlands Treating High Metal Load Acid Mine Drainage in the Rock Creek Watershed: Final Report1528519A D Karathanasis, PhD and Christopher Barton (University of Kentucky)Final report of a project funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act summarizing the Jones Branch wetland renovation and detailing the processes within the wetland system.1997 94-14
American Cave and Karst Center Interpretive Program: Final ReportAmerican Cave and Karst Center Interpretive Program: Final Report96411David G Foster (American Cave Conservation Association)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to provide educational programs to the public and school children, train school teachers, and educate people through volunteer involvement in NPS cleanup efforts.2007 00-18
Annual Ambient Water Quality Report Water Year 1993Annual Ambient Water Quality Report Water Year 1993518985Kentucky Division of WaterThis report presents water quality information about rivers and streams in Kentucky during water year 1993 (Oct 1992 - Sept 1993) monitored by the Kentucky Division of Water. This ambient monitoring network consists of 44 stations.1995  
Annual Ambient Water Quality Report Water Year 1994Annual Ambient Water Quality Report Water Year 1994495745Kentucky Division of WaterThis annual report presents water quality data from DOW's fixed-station ambient monitoring network for Water Year 1994. These data help to establish background water quality conditions and to detect trends and excursions from water quality standards.1995  
Assessment and Sediment-Based Design of Stream Restorations: A Short CourseAssessment and Sediment-Based Design of Stream Restorations: A Short Course595884Arthur C Parola, Jr and Chandra Hansen (The Stream Institute)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to improve knowledge and practice of watershed assessment/management and use of stream restoration to improve water quality and stream habitat on a watershed scale.2013 07-06
Assessment of a Freshwater Mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Community in the Licking River, at Butler, Pendleton County, KentuckyAssessment of a Freshwater Mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Community in the Licking River, at Butler, Pendleton County, Kentucky1525586Bryce E Daniels and Guenter A Schuster (Eastern Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess the current condition of the freshwater mussel (also called unionid)(Bivalvia: Unionidae) community in the Licking River in Butler, Pendleton County, Kentucky.2000 98-05
Assessment of Nonpoint Source Impacts on Groundwater Quality in South Elkhorn Creek Basin, Central Kentucky (BMU 1, Round 2)Assessment of Nonpoint Source Impacts on Groundwater Quality in South Elkhorn Creek Basin, Central Kentucky (BMU 1, Round 2)3371804Robert J Blair, PG, Joseph A Ray, PG (retired), James S Webb, PG, (retired), Jolene M Blanset and Peter T Goodmann (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to determine NPS pollution impacts to groundwater in the South Elkhorn Creek watershed in Central Kentucky and to assess its influence on surface-water quality.2009 02-04
Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts on Groundwater in the Headwaters of the North Fork of the Kentucky River BasinAssessment of Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts on Groundwater in the Headwaters of the North Fork of the Kentucky River Basin4312230Phillip W O'dell, James S Webb and Peter T Goodmann (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess NPS impacts on groundwater in a portion of the North Fork of the Kentucky River Basin, and to share that information with local citizens and officials.2006 98-04
Assessment of Pesticides, Nutrients, and Suspended Sediment of the Little River Basin, Kentucky, 2003-04Assessment of Pesticides, Nutrients, and Suspended Sediment of the Little River Basin, Kentucky, 2003-0418285012Angela S Crain (US Geological Survey) and Ernest Collins (Kentucky Department of Agriculture)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to determine the presence and distribution of selected pesticides, nutrients, and suspended sediment in streams in the Little River Basin study area.2006 01-17
Assessment of Water Quality Trends in the Upper Cumberland River Basin: Focus on Pathogen ImpairmentAssessment of Water Quality Trends in the Upper Cumberland River Basin: Focus on Pathogen Impairment887254Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (University of Kentucky)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to analyze existing water quality data for streams in the Upper Cumberland River Basin, with a particular focus on pathogen trends.2006 99-34
Bacon Creek Watershed PlanBacon Creek Watershed Plan4960421Kentucky Waterways Alliance and Kentucky Division of WaterFocused on the headwaters area of the Bacon Creek Watershed (sub-watersheds Upper Bacon Creek, Honey Branch, Tampa Branch, Lower Martis Branch, and Upper Martis Branch), the aim of this revised watershed-based plan project is to implement agricultural and septic system BMPs to reduce the bacteria loading in the upper watershed areas and improve water quality in the entire creek. This watershed plan follows the format of the Watershed Planning Guidebook for Kentucky Communities, first edition.2017  
Bacon Creek Watershed Plan ImplementationBacon Creek Watershed Plan Implementation1678538Kentucky Waterways Alliance IncFinal report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to reduce bacteria in Upper Bacon Creek, update the existing Bacon Creek Watershed Plan, and increase the capacity of the Bacon Creek Watershed Council.2013 10-13
Bacon Creek Watershed Plan ImplementationBacon Creek Watershed Plan Implementation1188470Kentucky Waterways Alliance IncFinal report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to reduce bacteria in Upper Bacon Creek originating from agricultural and residential sources by implementing agricultural and residential best management practices (BMPs).2016 14-12
Bacteriological and Biological Assessment of the Green River and Tradewater River WatershedsBacteriological and Biological Assessment of the Green River and Tradewater River Watersheds1724037Scott A Grubbs (Center for Biodiversity Studies, Western Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to perform a bacteriological and biological assessment of the Green River and Tradewater River watersheds.2003 00-07
Bailey Run / Cedar Brook Drainage Biological and Water Quality InvestigationBailey Run / Cedar Brook Drainage Biological and Water Quality Investigation816999Robert W Logan, Gary V Beck, Samuel M Call, Ronald E Houp, Lythia Metzmeier, Michael R Mills, Charles A Roth, Clifford C Schneider, Donald K Walker and Albert Westerman (Kentucky Division of Water)Biological and water quality investigation of Bailey Run to determine existing water quality, aquatic uses currently being achieved, causes of impairments of aquatic uses and what aquatic uses can be attained (Technical Report No. 27).198827 
Bankfull Characteristics of Select Streams in the Four Rivers and Upper Cumberland River Basin Management UnitsBankfull Characteristics of Select Streams in the Four Rivers and Upper Cumberland River Basin Management Units421768Arthur C Parola, Jr, PhD, Kevin Skinner, PhD, Anna L Wood-Curini, PhD, William S Vesely, Chandra Hansen (The Stream Institute) and Margaret Swisher Jones (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a study funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to provide regional curves to represent expected values and variation of bankfull flow and channel cross-sectional area, width, and depth in riffles in select streams.2005 99-12
Banklick Creek Watershed Planning, Implementation, and Results Final ReportBanklick Creek Watershed Planning, Implementation, and Results Final Report54677012Kelly Kuhbander (Strand Associates Inc)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to update the existing watershed based plan (WBP) for Banklick Creek in order to identify sources of pollution along the creek that impact the quality of the waters.2014 07-07
Bear Creek, Big Creek, and Roaring Paunch Creek Watershed Plan Final ReportBear Creek, Big Creek, and Roaring Paunch Creek Watershed Plan Final Report2156992Strand Associates IncFinal report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to develop a watershed plan for three subwatersheds within the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River: Bear Creek, Big Creek, and Roaring Paunch.2013 06-07
Beaver Creek Drainage Biological and Water Quality Investigation for Stream Use DesignationBeaver Creek Drainage Biological and Water Quality Investigation for Stream Use Designation833032Robert W Logan, Gary V Beck, Samuel M Call, Ronald E Houp, Michael R Mills, Stephen D Porter, Clifford C Schneider and Donald K Walker (Kentucky Division of Water)Biological and water quality investigation of Beaver Creek to determine existing water quality, aquatic uses, causes of any impairments of aquatic uses and what aquatic uses can be attained (Technical Report No. 10).198410 
Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Controlling Erosion, Sediment, and Pollutant Runoff from Construction SitesBest Management Practices (BMPs) for Controlling Erosion, Sediment, and Pollutant Runoff from Construction Sites15356602University of Kentucky, Kentucky Transportation CenterPlanning and technical specifications manual for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans produced by Tetra Tech in 2001 and revised by Kentucky Transportation Center in 2009.2009 01-09
Best Management Practices Implementation on Timber Harvests in KentuckyBest Management Practices Implementation on Timber Harvests in Kentucky29417682Timothy Metzger (Kentucky Division of Forestry)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to facilitate the reduction of NPS pollution originating from timber harvesting operations through the increased use of properly implemented silvicultural BMPs.2015 11-03
Big Pitman Creek Drainage Biological and Water Quality InvestigationBig Pitman Creek Drainage Biological and Water Quality Investigation875467Robert W Logan, Gary V Beck, Samuel M Call, Ronald E Houp, Michael R Mills, Stephen D Porter, Charles A Roth, Clifford C Schneider, Jr, and Donald K Walker (Kentucky Division of Water)Biological and water quality investigation of Big Pitman Creek to determine existing water quality and impact that Campbellsville Wastewater Treatment Plant is having on the Little Pitman Creek system (Technical Report No. 21).198521 
Big South Fork/Bear Creek Nonpoint Source Interstate Demonstration Project Final ReportBig South Fork/Bear Creek Nonpoint Source Interstate Demonstration Project Final Report269969Stephen E McMurray, Corrine L Wells, Lajuanda H Maybriar, William F Sampson, Guenter A Schuster (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a demonstration project funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to collect biological and physicochemical data from Bear Creek near the mouth before and after acid mine drainage treatment in Tennessee.1999 92-14
Bioassessment of the Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of the Horse Lick Creek World Bioreserve in Eastery Kentucky: Final ReportBioassessment of the Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of the Horse Lick Creek World Bioreserve in Eastery Kentucky: Final Report910217Jennifer Secrest Board and Guenter A Schuster (Eastern Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess the biological water quality of Horse Lick Creek using macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators and provide baseline data for future biological monitoring.1997 93-12
Bioassessment of the Fish Community of Horse Lick Creek, Jackson County, Kentucky: Final ReportBioassessment of the Fish Community of Horse Lick Creek, Jackson County, Kentucky: Final Report415365Guenter A Schuster, PhD and Stephen McMurray (Eastern Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess the fish community of the Horse Lick Creek, Jackson County, Kentucky, which has been designated by The Nature Conservancy as a World Bioreserve.1997 93-12
Bioassessment of the Fishes and Macroinvertebrates of the Lower Mainstem of Buck Creek, Pulaski County, KentuckyBioassessment of the Fishes and Macroinvertebrates of the Lower Mainstem of Buck Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky1093118Michael C Compton and Guenter A Schuster (Eastern Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to determine the integrity of Buck Creek and provide baseline data for any future biological monitoring in the watershed.1997 96-11
Bioassessment of the Fishes and Macroinvertebrates of the Upper Mainstem of Buck Creek, Lincoln and Pulaski Counties, KentuckyBioassessment of the Fishes and Macroinvertebrates of the Upper Mainstem of Buck Creek, Lincoln and Pulaski Counties, Kentucky811082Michael D Moeykens and Guenter A Schuster (Eastern Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess water quality of Buck Creek and provide baseline data for future biological monitoring of this drainage.1997 96-11
Biological and Water Quality Investigation of the North Elkhorn Creek Drainage (Kentucky River System)Biological and Water Quality Investigation of the North Elkhorn Creek Drainage (Kentucky River System)1955664Michael R Mills, Gary Beck, John Brumley, Samuel M Call, Ron Houp, Lythia Metzmeier, Allen Robison, Charles Roth, Clifford C Schneider, Karen Smathers and Don Walker (Kentucky Division of Water)Survey of the North Elkhorn Creek subbasin to determine legitimate stream uses, compile background water quality and biological data for the subbasin, and determine suitability for listing it as outstanding resource water (Technical Report No. 42).199242 
Biological and Water Quality Investigation of the Yellow Creek Drainage (Kentucky River System)Biological and Water Quality Investigation of the Yellow Creek Drainage (Kentucky River System)493249Michael R Mills, Gary Beck, Samuel M Call, Lee Colten, Morgan O Jones, Lythia Metzmeier, Allen Robison and Clifford C Schneider (Kentucky Division of Water)Biological and water quality re-investigation of Yellow Creek drainage to determine the Middlesboro Wastewater Treatment Plant, put into operation in 1986, has improved water quality in Yellow Creek (Technical Report No. 39).199041 
Biological and Water Quality Reinvestigation of the Little Pitman Creek Drainage (Green River System)Biological and Water Quality Reinvestigation of the Little Pitman Creek Drainage (Green River System)293864Michael R Mills, Samuel M Call, Lythia Metzmeier and Clifford C Schneider (Kentucky Division of Water)Biological and water quality survey of Little Pitman Creek in June 1991 to determine if Campbellsville Wastewater Treatment Plant was degrading water quality (Technical Report No. 20).199520 
Biological Assessment of Subwatersheds of the Big Sandy River Basin: Beaver Creek, Newcombe Creek and Ice Dam Creek, Kentucky, 2002Biological Assessment of Subwatersheds of the Big Sandy River Basin: Beaver Creek, Newcombe Creek and Ice Dam Creek, Kentucky, 20023381001Rodney N Pierce (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a study funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to delineate specific environmental impacts in the Beaver Creek, Newcombe Creek and Ice Dam Creek watersheds.2005 01-05
Biological Assessment of the Freshwater Mussels in the Kentucky Dam Tailwaters of the Tennessee RiverBiological Assessment of the Freshwater Mussels in the Kentucky Dam Tailwaters of the Tennessee River640176James B Sickel (Murray State University)Survey of freshwater mussels to document the presence of endangered species in the Kentucky Dam tailwater section of the Tennessee River.1985  
Biological Assessment of the Upper Tradewater RiverBiological Assessment of the Upper Tradewater River195147Michael R Mills, Ron Houp, John Brumley and Karen Smathers (Kentucky Division of Water)Inventory to evaluate the aquatic communities, available instream habitats and desirable physical properties for possible inclusion into the Division of Water's Reference Reach Program (Technical Report No. 51).199451 
Biological Baseline Conditions in the Little River Watershed (2003)Biological Baseline Conditions in the Little River Watershed (2003)15342382S P Hendricks, D S White, T Timmons (Hancock Biological Station and Center for Reservoir Research, Murray State University)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess the biological integrity of the Little River through assessment of biological data and identification of biological indicators associated with NPS pollution.2006 00-20
Biological Baseline Conditions in the Little River Watershed: Final Project ReportBiological Baseline Conditions in the Little River Watershed: Final Project Report2176630D White, S Entrekin, T Timmons and S Hendricks (Hancock Biological Station and Center for Reservoir Research, Murray State University)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to assess and identify streams in western Kentucky impacted by nonpoint source (e.g., runoff from fields, impermeable urban surfaces) pollution.2001 99-26
Biological Evaluation of Selected Subwatersheds in the Lower Green River Watershed 2001: Final ReportBiological Evaluation of Selected Subwatersheds in the Lower Green River Watershed 2001: Final Report707435Rodney N Pierce (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a study funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to determine watersheds in the Green River Basin Management Unit impacted by nonpoint source pollution, and the degree to which these impacts occurred.2005 00-06
Biological Evaluation of the Obion Creek Corridor Restoration Demonstration Project: Pre-restoration Monitoring Final ReportBiological Evaluation of the Obion Creek Corridor Restoration Demonstration Project: Pre-restoration Monitoring Final Report296287Stephen E McMurray (Kentucky Division of Water)Final report of a study funded in part under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to determine the baseline water quality of a channelized section of Obion Creek prior to a proposed channel restoration project.2004 00-06
Biological Monitoring Program Expansion, Salt River Basin: Final ReportBiological Monitoring Program Expansion, Salt River Basin: Final Report2320581Guenter A Schuster, Danny Jones, Matthew Thomas, Dustin Jones and Paulette Akers (Eastern Kentucky University)Final report of a study funded under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to establish new sites in the Rolling Fork and Beech Fork of the Salt River Basin to more accurately assess and monitor the effects of specific pollutants on aquatic communities.2000 97-29
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