An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
The reauthorized AML Reclamation Program, funded by the federal AML Reclamation Fund, allows states and tribes to abate problems caused by historic coal mining.
The Abandoned Mine Lands Economic Revitalization Program (AMLER) is an opportunity for Appalachian communities to achieve economic and community development goals in areas impacted by the downturn of coal production.
Under the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, a percentage of funding to reclaim abandoned coals mines can be used for the mitigation of acid mine drainage issues under the AMD Abatement Program.
Both AML Reclamation and BIL funding allows for a portion of both funding sources to be utilized for the protection, repairing, replacing, constructing, and/or enhancing water supplies adversely affected by historic coal mining practices.
The Bond Forfeiture (BF) Reclamation Program focuses on the reclamation of coal mine sites where the permitted coal operator failed to comply with Federal and State Laws regarding mining and/or reclamation practices.
1 (877) 495-9552
Department for Natural ResourcesDivision of Abandoned Mine Lands300 Sower Blvd 2nd FloorFrankfort, KY 40601
502-564-2141 (Telephone)502-564-4245 (Fax)Email: KY AML