Located in Letcher County, Bad Branch State Nature Preserve was dedicated on September 26, 1985, establishing and launching protection efforts for one of the most significant and beautiful natural areas in the state of Kentucky. The original 435 acres includes Bad Branch Gorge, a forested gorge with a 60-foot waterfall tumbling over sandstone cliffs on the south face of Pine Mountain. Subsequent acquisitions have expanded the preserve west into the Presley House Branch watershed, northeast into the upper reaches of the Bad Branch watershed and a small portion of the north face of Pine Mountain.
Today, this 2,829 acre preserve protects the scenic beauty of the gorge and one of the largest concentrations of rare and uncommon species known in the state. The preserve also protects one of Kentucky’s only known nesting pair of common ravens (Corvus corax). A portion of the preserve is owned by the Kentucky Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, and the preserve is adjacent to part of the Jefferson National Forest. The Bad Branch watershed is also a Kentucky Wild River.
- Features - hemlock gorge, waterfall, high-quality stream, numerous rare species, trail along mountain crest
- Access - foot trail and bridges, 5 miles of trail over uneven terrain, strenuous
- Facilities - none
- Parking - 10 cars; one bus
- Hazards - steep cliffs, venomous snakes (rare)
- Activities - hiking, birding, nature photography and research
- Directions - Letcher County. From the junction of KY 15 and U.S. 119 S.E. of Whitesburg, follow U.S. 119 south 8.0 miles. Turn left at junction with KY 932, travel east for 2.0 miles to gravel parking area on left side of KY 932.