This nature preserve is part of the Paducah city parks and preserves riparian buffer and undeveloped greenspace within the city limits. The nature preserve consists primarily grassland dominated by broomsedge, purple top, barnyard grass, Indian grass, fall panicum and various goldenrods and frost aster. In areas adjacent to the forest near the creek, much of the habitat is growing up with young sycamore, sweet gum, red maple, callary pear, boxelder, river birch, and honey locust trees. The older, more mature wetland forest is dominated by cherrybark and pin oak, sycamore, and river birch whereas areas where it is drier are dominated by younger forest with white and post oak, shagbark hickory, and tuliptree. Two state listed species, the state threatened red buckeye tree and the state special concern evening bat were documented. A total of 5 amphibian, 4 reptile, 17 mammal, 45 bird, and 87 plants were identified during the biological inventory.
dawn to dusk to foot traffic only from the Stuart Nelson Park. The site will eventually be incorporated into the Greenway
Trail system. Fore more information visit the City of Paducah page.