Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund purchased 75 out of 465 total acres.
In 2010 Dianne and Roger Shott donated their nearly 400 acre horse farm to the Shelby County Parks Department for use as an equestrian park and natural area. A local private land trust, Riverfields, holds a conservation easement on the horse farm property to help guide management of the site. When an additional 75 acres adjacent to the park became available, the KHLCF helped the parks department to acquire it to protect the woodlands surrounding an ephemeral stream corridor, which are dominated by shagbark hickory, hackberry, and wild cherry, and maple species. Pastureland on the site will be planted in native warm season grasses, including little bluestem and switchgrass, to create habitat for some of Kentucky’s declining songbird’s such as the Henslow’s sparrow. A comprehensive biological inventory has not been completed, but no rare species are known to be on the site.
trails are currently in development on the addition funded by Kentucky Heritage
Land Conservation Fund. Over 20 miles of hiking and horse trails are
available on the original areas of the park donated by the Shotts. For more information, visit the Shelby Trails Park page.
Simpsonville go north on 3rd Street, which becomes Todd’s Point Road, for 5
miles and then take a left on KY 362/Aiken Road. The park entrance is two
miles on your left.