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​Kentucky Microbiology Personnel Training

The Kentucky Laboratory Certification Program (KLCP) has compiled a virtual training program for microbiology laboratory personnel. This training is a combination of KLCP ​​auditor presentations, IDEXX Water Academy (IDEXX), and various online videos. This web page is intended to provide EPA-required microbiology training specified in the EPA Manual1 and incorporated by reference in Kentucky Administrative Regulation 401 KAR 8:040​. Wh​​​ile the state accepts other programs, this training is intended to provide a cost-free virtual option and is not an endorsement by the Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) or KLCP of any products or companies.

This training may be utilized by:

  • Laboratory employees seeking new Microbiology Analyst or Technician, Microbiology Supervisor, or Microbiology Consultant approval by KLCP
  • Anyone seeking information, resources, or a refresher course regarding microbiology analysis relating to the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) and other Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) rules
  • Kentucky Drinking Water and Wastewater operators performing microbiology testing (may be eligible for CEU hours)

 This training does not replace:

  • Hands-on bench training
  • Comprehension of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and business operations of a particular laboratory

For further information regarding the establishment of a new microbiology laboratory refer to DW Microbiology Laboratory Startup Requirements 
or email the KLCP at

Various Microbiology Laboratory positions and requirements refer to the following documents:

DW Microbiology Supervisor & Consultant Requirements
DW Microbiology Analyst Requirements
DW Microbiology Technician Recommendations

KLCP would like to thank the following groups and individuals for their contributions to this training program:

  • IDEXX Water Academy
  • Creators of YouTube videos who are self-identified at the end of each video
  • Dr. Ted Pass

[1] EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water; Criteria and Procedures Quality Assurance; Fifth Edition (EPA 815-R-05-004, January 2005).​


Training Requirements

​​This microbiology training is outlined below. Please email any questions to:

1.    Fill out the application at this link: KLCP Drinking Water Microbiology Training Application.

2.    Download the applicable syllabus from the list below. Rename the file “LastName.FirstName.Analyst Course Syllabus" (or technician/consultant/supervisor). Check off courses as they are completed in the 'Status' column to the left of the workbook. Once the entire syllabus has been completed and check-marked, email the completed syllabus to:
  • To access the training segments from IDEXX, set up a free account at this link). Please note that each individual employee who uses this resource must establish a separate, personal IDEXX account.
  • Complete all videos, reading materials, and quizzes associated with the content on the KLCP Syllabus, and save all certificates earned for later upload. IDEXX will also send your transcript to KLCP for confirmation.
  • The 'KLCP Reference Documents' dropdown below contains many additional resources, including the Bacteriological Analysis Report Form (and instructions) that is required to report microbiology samples, the template for reporting positive samples to the DOW RTCR Compliance Officer, PT guidance, RTCR Assessment Triggers Reference, and other useful reference documents.
  • Any YouTube-based training content can be accessed through the link contained in the syllabus. If you find an external link that is no longer available, please contact
3.    Once the KLCP receives your completed Syllabus, it will provide a link to the Microbiology Analyst Exam. A score of 70% or better is required to pass this training course. Once the exam has been scored, KLCP will send you either a Passing Letter with a Certificate of Completion for the Microbiology Analyst Training, or a letter that explains how to re-visit course material and re-take the exam.

4.     In order to receive a KLCP Approval Letter for your desired microbiology position, you must submit all additional information, including blind study, PT studies, bench experience under an experienced analyst (with raw analysis bench sheets and experience log itemized by hours and work performed), evidence of SOP review, and education transcript. Send this documentation to You may submit the information at any point during the training process.

5.    After you complete this training course and all additional documentation has been received, KLCP will send you an Approval Letter for your desired microbiology position.

Microbiology Laboratory Personne​l Syllabus List:  

Analyst Course Syllabus
Consultant Course Syllabus
Supervisor Course Syllabus
Technician Course Syllabus​​


The following is course material found in the syllabus for the KLCP Program. If you have further questions please contact

​1 – Microbiology Ethics Training​​​
2 – General Lab Practices & Equipment Training
3 – Documentation Training
​4 – Field Test Training
5 – Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Training

KLCP Refren​​​ce Documents

Drinking Water Microbiology Laboratory Startup Requirements
​Bacteriological Analysis Report Form (pdf & xls)
Instructions – Bacteriological Analysis Report Form
Reporting Positive Bacteriological Samples
RTCR Assessment Triggers Quick Reference
RTCR – Total Coliform Positive Sample Notification Form
Microbiology Performance Test Guidance

IDEXX Procedures


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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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