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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Additional Resources

The Office of Energy Policy utilizes the resources of other organizations at the state and federal level to track trends in Kentucky's energy landscape. Below are links to data, resources, and organizations that our Office has found useful over the years. 

Kentucky Alternative FuelsVisit our page on alternative fuels to find trends, laws and incentives, price data, fuel station locations, and more!U.S. Energy Mapping SystemA link to the United States Energy Information Administration energy mapping system. An interactive display of United States energy infrastructureDepartment of Energy, LEAD ToolLow Income Energy Affordability ToolU.S. Census: Community Resilience EstimatesWhen disasters occur, recovery depends on the community’s ability to withstand the effects of the event. In order to facilitate disaster preparedness, the Census Bureau has developed new small area estimates, identifying communities where resources and information may effectively mitigate the impact of disasters.Kentucky Geological Survey Maps The Kentucky Geological Survey is a state supported research center and public resource within the University of Kentucky. Our mission is to support sustainable prosperity of the Commonwealth, the vitality of its flagship university, and the welfare of its people. We do this by conducting research and providing unbiased information about geologic resources, environmental issues, and natural hazards affecting Kentucky.Kentucky Government Interactive Maps Visitors will find commonly used GIS layers and thematic web maps that will foster a better understanding of statewide issues and trends.Open EI Transparent Cost DatabaseThere are currently more than 198,420 pages on OpenEI, those pages contain a wide variety of topics: from renewable energy, to policy & regulations, to analyzed data and raw data.NREL Annual Technology BaselineProvides capital expenditures, operations and maintenance costs, capacity factors, future cost and performance methods, and levelized cost of energy metrics for a variety of fuel types.OnTheMap for Emergency ManagementOnTheMap for Emergency Management is a public data tool that provides an intuitive web-based interface for accessing U.S. population and workforce statistics, in real time, for areas being affected by natural disasters. The tool allows users to retrieve reports containing detailed workforce, population, and housing characteristics for hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms, and federal disaster declaration areas.
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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