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​​​These lands are part of Future Fund Land Trust and 21st Century Park's plan to protect the Floyd's Fork Watershed from encroachment. These properties have also provided green space and habitat along this last remaining natural stream of Jefferson County. ​In total as of 2020, Future Fund has title to 3867.66 acres in the Floyds Fork Watershed in 97 separate holdings which have been managed as conservation, agriculture and park lands.

Pope Lick Park

This historic farm had been in the family since 1875 when it is was deeded to the Tylers as a grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia.  The park provides passive recreation - hiking, nature study, picnicking and paddling - as the area protects 2200 linear feet of Floyds Fork creek. Of the 282 acres, 200 acres of the park are forested and much of the forest is mature with several very large and old American Beech trees. A hiking trail system winds through this woodland, intersecting with the Louisville Loop at the bridge passing over Floyd's Fork. The forest canopy is dominated by Shumard's and chinquapin oak, white ash, sugar maple with some black cherry, hickory, American beech and hackberry. Another section of forest that is not as mature is dominated by Shumard oak, black cherry, white ash and eastern red cedar with chinquapin oak, sugar maple, hickory and black locust as secondary species. Along the creek the riparian forest is dominated by black walnut, box elder, silver maple and sycamore with green ash, hackberry and red maple present as well. There are some old fields in both the lowlands and uplands that are reverting back to forest. In the low lying areas, black walnut, green ash, red cedar, honey locust and osage orange are the primary species whereas in the upland areas red cedar dominates by some Shumard oak, black locust, persimmon and flowering dogwood are regenerating. Approximately 28% of the land in the low lying areas that was previously cropped has been converted to native warm season grasses and pollinator plants. More than 230 species of plants have been documented.



Foot traffic and biking only on the Louisville Loop trail.  From Louisville, take Taylorsville Road past the Gene Snyder Freeway, turn right onto South Pope Lick Road and follow to trailhead parking area or over a small bridge to the John Floyd Fields parking lot.​

Glory Road​​

Glory Road on Floyds Fork is 115 acres of which 25 acres are upland fields that have been used for hay and row crops, 25 acres of bottom lands are open field and 65 acres of forest on the slopes between the upper and lower portions. Work with U.S Fish and Wildlife Service and the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves is underway to explore possible restoration of limestone glade habitat suitable for the federally threatened Kentucky gladecress (Leavenworthia exigua laciniata) and associated species. The property has roughly more than half a mile frontage on Floyds Fork with hardwood forests, glades and riparian communities mixed with hay fields. These 115 acres contribute to a larger ecological corridor along Floyds Fork.​

​​Access: Access is by written permission for research only.

Access Type: Open to Public
County: Jefferson
Region: Bluegrass Region
Size: 3867
Owner: The Future Fund Land Trust

Future Fund Inc. and 21st Century Parks under a conservation easement

Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 38.187307
Long: -85.487945
Image of Terrapin Creek

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