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Located in the Eden Shale part of Kentucky, this forested county nature preserve is located in an area with narrow ridges, steep slopes, and thin soils.  The preserve is mostly young dry forest dominated by chestnut and white oak, American beech, and mockernut and pignut hickory with an understory or ironwood and flowering dogwood.  The uplands are dominated by chestnut, scarlet, and white oaks, with mockernut hickory and sugar maple as co-dominants.  The understory is dominated by greenbrier and blueberries.  The herb layer is very sparse due to the thin soils and past land use history.  In the bottomlands along the stream, the forest is more diverse and is dominated by sycamore, American elm, black walnut, green ash and red maple with an understory of spicebush, ironwood, and paw paw.  The herb layer is mostly wood nettle, sedges and black snake root.  More than 248 plant species, 24 reptile and amphibians, 35 birds, and 26 mammals have been observed at the area.


Open dawn to dusk daily for passive recreation including hiking, bird watching, photography, etc.  No hunting, mountain bikes, ATV's, off-road vehicles, or horses are allowed.  From Flemingsburg, take KY Highway 559 east until it intersects with Kentucky Highway 1013.  Turn right heading south and you will see the parking area on the right hand side of the road across from Park Lake Resort.​​​

Access Type: Open to Public
County: Fleming
Region: Eastern Region
Size: 861.13
Owner: Fleming County Fiscal Court

​Fleming County Fiscal Court under a conservation easement

Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 38.400066
Long: -83.555746
Image of Terrapin Creek

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