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​​Boatwright - Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR), Ballard County, 1432 acres in seven tracts purchased by the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund of a total of 8,847 total acres.

This wildlife management area is designed to protect and enhance winter waterfowl populations and is an important site of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.  The primary habitats found include cropland and wetland and 39% is classified as wetland, 34% as open land, 17% forest and 10% open water.  Wetland habitats include old oxbow lakes, marshes, and cypress swamps.  There are also created moist soil wetlands in addition to natural wetlands.  Some bottomland hardwood reforestation has also been done. Much of the habitat can be under water during the winter season and provides important habitat for bald eagles, several gull species, and waterfowl.  One tract adjacent to the Ohio River provides nesting habitat for the interior population of the least tern, a federally endangered shorebird. 


Boatwright WMA has many access points open to fishing, boating and hunting, although some parts of the area are closed from October 15 through March 15 to serve as a refuge.  Other tracts are open and waterfowl blinds are available by advanced application.  No access is allowed when flooding prevents access to the blinds. All terrain vehicles and horseback riding and the collection of plants or animals are prohibited.  From Wickliffe, travel north on US 51 and turn right onto Gum Corner, Swan Lake Road, or East Cairo Road. For more information please see KDFWR maps.

Access Type: Open to Public
County: Ballard
Region: Western Region
Size: 8847
Owner: Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 37.009728
Long: -89.12171
Image of Terrapin Creek

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