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Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves
300 Sower Blvd 4th Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 573-2886

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KYNatHeritage_cover.jpgKentucky's Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity

Edited by Greg Abernathy, Deborah White, Ellis L. Laudermilk, and Marc Evans; 

Foreword by Wendell Berry

Organized by a team from the KNP, the book is an outgrowth of our focus on biodiversity protection. Richly detailed and lavishly illustrated with more than 250 color photos, maps and charts, Kentucky's Natural Heritage is a definitive compendium of the Commonwealth's amazing diversity. It celebrates the natural beauty of some of the most important ecosystems in the nation and presents a compelling case for the necessity of conservation. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the Commonwealth's biodiversity and contains over 250 color photos, maps and charts. 208 pages.

Read more and view sample pages here.

Available from the University Press of Kentucky or your local bookstore.

Kentucky Naturally: Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund at Work

By Dr. Thomas G. Barnes

This book is a compilation and celebration of the properties that have been purchased with the assistance of KHLCF money during the first 20 years of the program. Award-winning Kentucky nature photographer Tom Barnes displays hundreds of beautiful photographs of the state’s protected lands, and provides detailed descriptions of each site including the natural flora and fauna. Through the KHLCF and public support, Kentucky’s abundant natural resources and beauty can be treasured and protected for all to enjoy. Author Thomas G. Barnes, Ph.D., was a full professor in the Department of Forestry at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Barnes wrote extensively on the natural history of Kentucky and authored over 50 scientific research articles, 60 extension publications, and 100 magazine articles. 

Available from your local bookstore.

Breeding Bird Atlas.jpgThe Kentucky Breeding Bird Atlas

By Brainard Palmer-Ball, Jr. 

Ten years in the making, this work presents the results of a seven-year survey of all birds that nest in the Commonwealth, providing photographs for each species. Information for each species includes current and historical status in the state, habitat preferences, specific details of the construction and placement of nests, and other pertinent aspects of nesting biology organized by physiographic region and degree of forestation. 372 pages.

Available from the University Press of Kentucky .

KNP Scientific & Technical Series
Ferns and Fern Allies of Kentucky-SOLD OUT
by R. Cranfill 
Scientific and Technical Series No. 1
This is an introduction to the pteriodophytes of Kentucky and includes discussions of fern collecting, distribution and ecology, and a treatment of the generalized life history of the known pteridohpyte species of the Commonwealth. Included are technical keys to families, genera, and species with descriptions of the families and genera, and detailed notes on the geography and ecology of each species. Illustrations for selected species and distribution maps by county are also included. 284 pages.
Cost: $4.50 + shipping and tax
The Fishes of Dix River, Kentucky
by B.A. Branson and D.L. Batch. 
Scientific and Technical Series No. 2
Observations regarding the distribution and habitat of the Dix River fish fauna is presented based on samples collected at 45 sites throughout the basin. 26 pages.
Cost: $2 + shipping and tax
Fishes of the Lower Green River Drainage, Kentucky
by M.E. Retzer, B.M. Burr, and M.L. Warren Jr. 
Scientific and Technical Series No. 3
The status and distribution of the lower Green River basin fish fauna is presented based on field collections, verified institutional records, and acceptable literature records. Faunal composition is discussed in relation to geology, past climates, habitat preference and human influences. 48 pages.
Cost: $2.50 + shipping and tax - This publication is currently out of print.
A Distributional Atlas of Kentucky Fishes-SOLD OUT
​by Brooks M. Burr and Melvin L. Warren, Jr.
Scientific and Technical Series No. 4

This atlas presents an accurate synopsis of the distribution, systematics, habitat, and conservation status of Kentucky fishes in a format useful to professional biologists, resource managers, and non-professionals. 398 pages. Originally published in 1986 - republished in 2012.
Cost: $25.00 + shipping and tax
Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Kentucky
by E.O. Beal and J.W. Thieret 
Scientific and Technical Series No. 5
This work provides technical keys to the family, genus and species for plants "that grow in water or in soil saturated, at least much of the year, with water" and have been reported from, or are to be expected to occur in Kentucky. It also includes generic descriptions, and illustrations and distribution maps for species. 314 pages.
Cost: $22 + shipping and tax
The Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) of Kentucky: An Annotated Checklist
by C. Covell, PhD 
Scientific and Technical Series No. 6
This work is the result of nearly 40 years of assimilating data on the distribution and abundance of this diverse group of insects in the Commonwealth. Authored by University of Louisville professor Dr. Charles van Orden Covell Jr., it includes collection data for 2,388 butterfly and moth species documented from the state, with special reference given to species found in 68 parks, reserves or other important habitats. Brief comments on the ecology of several species have also been included. Of particular interest is the section on the history of butterfly and moth investigations in Kentucky beginning with a visit to Kentucky by noted British lepidopterist Edward Doubleday in 1837. 220pp.
Cost: free + $4 shipping
A Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of Kentucky
by Ronald R. Cicerello and Guenter A. Schuster 
Scientific and Technical Series No. 7
This guide is the state’s only complete reference to this diverse and highly imperiled group. Designed for anyone interested in aquatic organisms, this 62-page 8.5 x 11-inch guide provides information on each of the 104 mussel species documented from Kentucky. Introductory text and figures briefly describe mussel biology, anatomy, life history, importance and conservation, and provide guidance on making field observations. Accounts for each species include a color image, shell description, habitat, distribution, similar species and conservation status. Lists of references and additional literature on Kentucky mussels are included. 
Cost: $4.50 + shipping and tax
A Distributional Atlas of the Freshwater Mussels of Kentucky

​​by Wendell R. Haag and Ronald R. Cicerello
Scientific and Technical Series No. 8
Kentucky has an extraordinarily diverse mussel fauna that consisted historically of at least 100 species and subspecies. This number represents about one-third of total North American mussel diversity, and Kentucky, along with other southeastern states, supports the most diverse mussel fauna of any region on Earth. Unfortunately, this fauna has been greatly diminished by human activities.  About 12 species are now extinct, 10 other species are extirpated from the state, and a large number of the surviving species are imperiled to some extent.  This book summarizes all available information about the distribution of each mussel species in Kentucky, and it illustrates changes in their distribution over the last 100 years.  An introductory section provides a description of river systems and aquatic habitats in Kentucky, a history of mussel studies in the state, patterns of diversity and biogeography, and a discussion of conservation issues related to Kentucky’s mussel fauna.
Cost: free + shipping

*An electronic version of this publication is available for download in two parts.
Part 1:  A Distributional Atlas of the Freshwater Mussels of Kentucky pages 1-151
Part 2:  A Distributional Atlas of the Freshwater Mussels of Kentucky pages 152-299

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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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