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What is Fugitive Dust?

Fugitive dust is defined as dust that is not emitted from a defined point sources, such as a smokestack or chimney. Sources of fugitive dust include haul roads, grain loading operations, quarries and construction sites.

Fugitive dust is regulated under the state fugitive emissions regulation. This regulation applies to any apparatus, operation or road that emits fugitive emissions, provided those fugitive emissions are not subject to a Division for Air Quality opacity standard. Businesses and operations that create fugitive dust must make every reasonable effort to control it.

This regulation does not apply to agricultural practices, such as tilling or application of fertilizers.

Why Control It?

Besides causing the need for additional cleaning of homes and vehicles, fugitive dust can cause low visibility on unpaved roads, which can lead to accidents. Fugitive dust can cause health problems, alone or in combination with other pollutants. 

Control Strategies

State regulation requires businesses to control fugitive dust and prevent it from leaving their properties. There are a variety of control strategies that may be used:

  • Windbreaks and barriers
  • Frequent water applications
  • Chemical applications (may require a groundwater protection plan)
  • Posted and enforced speed limits on dusty roads
  • Control of vehicle access
  • Covering open piles
  • Use of gravel or water at site exit points to remove caked-on dirt
  • Washing equipment at the end of the day or prior to site removal
  • Wet sweeping of public thoroughfares
  • Covering open truck beds
Businesses that do not control fugitive dust from leaving their properties can be cited for violating the fugitive emissions regulation. For more information, contact your regional air quality field office.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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