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Catalog of Federal Funding Res​ources for Watershed Protection - A searchable database of financial assistance sources (grants, loans, cost-sharing) available to fund a variety of watershed protection projects.

Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program - This program, also known as the Rivers & Trails Program or RTCA, is a community resource of the National Park Service. Rivers & Trails staff work with community groups and local and state governments to conserve rivers, preserve open space and develop trails and greenways.

Agriculture Funding Op​portunities - A complete listing of funding opportunities listed in the Kentucky Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy.

River Fundraising Alert - A publication by the Kentucky River Authority, designed to help river and watershed organizations support themselves financially. Each issue lists upcoming funding deadlines. Most issues also include case studies, online information, spotlight on funders, local resources, bibliographies and fundraising training opportunities.

Directory of Funding Sources - This Kentucky River Authority directory lists private, corporate and federal funding sources for river and watershed groups. The directory is the only funding resource created exclusively for the river conservation community.

FactSheet-Drinking Water System Funding.pdf - Funding Sources for Drinking Water Projects – The Division of Water lists government and non-government grant and loan opportunities for drinking water infrastructure projects throughout the Commonwealth.​​

The Kentucky Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program seeks projects to compete for funding.  Grants are available for watershed restoration projects and watershed implementation plan development as well as other nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control projects to help mitigate or prevent runoff pollution.  Funds can be used to pay for up to 60 percent of the total cost for each project. A 40-percent nonfederal match is required.

PRIDE offers several grant programs to local governments, teachers, nonprofit organizations and individual home owners who want to pursue the PRIDE goals in their communities.

Heritage Land Conservation Fund provides funding for natural areas that possess unique features such as habitat for rare and endangered species, areas important to migratory birds, areas that perform important natural functions that are subject to alteration or loss and areas to be preserved in their natural state for public use, outdoor recreation and education.

River Network - Search for current funding opportunities and links to relevant resources.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grants - Find out about grant opportunities currently available at the foundation, including the general matching grant and special grant programs and access application materials.

Local Acid Mine Drainage Reclaimation Projects - An index to topics related to acid mine drainage, a detrimental byproduct of coal mining despite improved prediction and prevention techniques.

In-Lieu Fees Program - The objectives of this funding program in the Kentucky department of Fish and Wildlife Resources are implementation of stream or wetland restoration/enhancement projects and mitigation of disturbances from on-site construction projects.​

Kentucky Infrasctructure Authority provides information on funding for wastewater, solid waste, etc.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund provides information on clean water state revolving loan funds (SRF)
Drinking Water Revolving Fund provides information on source water protection state revolving loan fund (SRF)

This voluntary program with the Wetlands Reserve Enhancment Program (WREP) offers landowners the options of permanent easements, 30-year easements and restoration cost-share agreements to protect, restore or enhance wetlands on their property.  State and local governments and organizations interested in WREP should contact the appropriate NRCS state conservationist at 859-224-7350 for information about submitting a proposal.

The Division of Conservation - The Kentucky Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program and the Kentucky Soil Stewardship Program-Phase I TSA were created to help agricultural operations protect the soil and water resources of Kentucky and to implement their agriculture water quality plans. This program was established to help landowners address existing soil erosion, water quality and other environmental problems associated with their farming or woodland operation.
Conservation Reserve Program - This voluntary program allows agricultural landowners to receive annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource-conserving covers on eligible farmland.
Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) This voluntary conservation program for farmers and ranchers promotes agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible national goals. The program provides technical and financial assistance for the installation or implementation of structural and management practices on eligible agricultural land.
Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program This program encourages landowners to develop and improve wildlife habitat primarily on private land. It provides technical assistance and up to 75 percent cost-share assistance for establishing and improving fish and wildlife habitat.

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