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​​​​​​​​​​Monitoring Biodiversity with Kentucky's Natural Heritage Program

The Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves works in partnership with NatureServe, the international natural heritage network that monitors biodiversity of plants, animals, ecological communities, and other natural features.   

The primary source of information for the Kentucky Natural Heritage Database is inventories conducted by KNP biologists and other scientists to gather information on the distribution, abundance, and life history of flora, fauna, and natural communities in Kentucky. This information is used to determine which species and natural communities in Kentucky are the most vulnerable to decline and eventual extinction.  This is also the basis for KNP activities such as development of the state listing of rare species, identification of sites of biological significance, and public and technical educational materials.

Additionally the database is utilized to conduct environmental reviews in an effort to reduce impacts from various types of projects. Federal and state agencies, private consultants, nonprofits and citizens also utilize products generated by KNP to assist them in making informed decisions about proposed activities throughout the state. This information is available in real-time online through use of the KNP's Kentucky Biological Assessment Tool (KyBAT).


Rare Plant Conservation

As Kentucky's only rare plant program, KNP works with partners to conserve Kentucky's most endangered and unique species.

Learn about KNP's rare plant conservation

Zoological Conservation

From endangered aquatic wildlife to unknown terrestrial invertebrates, KNP zoologists search the state for the rarest species.

Learn about KNP's rare animal conservation
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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