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​​​​​​Updates to the eForms Experience

Effective July 15, 2024, the Energy and Environment Cabinet updated the electronic filing system to enhance efficiency and user experience. Users can now access eForms using a single account, and you will no longer be required to utilize Kentucky Online Gateway to reach the eForms application. As a result of these changes, your email address will be utilized as your username, and a password change will be required before accessing the site.

The guidance document and instructional videos below will help you navigate these changes.

Annual Compliance Certifications

Annual Compliance Certifications:

  • Are required by all Kentucky air permits
  • Must list all permitted emission units
  • Must list all applicable requirements for each unit
  • Must certify compliance status for each emission unit and permit condition

Submit completed Annual Compliance Certification form DEP 7007CC via eForms, or to your regional office.  As long as the facility has an active air permit, Annual Compliance Certifications must be submitted even if the actual equipment permitted was not in the state during the reporting period.  

For information on how to fill out the Annual Compliance Certification form, please see DEP 7007CC Instructions or the resources available on the Compliance Assistance website.

Major sources are reminded that Annual Compliance Certification must also be mailed to the Federal EPA in Atlanta, Air Enforcement Branch, Atlanta Federal Center, 61 Forsyth St., Atlanta, GA 30303-8960.

Semi-annual Monitoring Reports

All Division for Air Quality (DAQ) permits contain a requirement that summary reports of all monitoring be submitted to the regional office listed on the front of the permit. These reports are to be submitted by July 30th and January 30th of each year, for the life of the permit.  As long as the facility has an active air permit, Semi Annual Monitoring Reports must be submitted even if the actual equipment permitted was not in the state during the reporting period.  

Each monitoring requirement is found under the Specific Monitoring Requirements section of the DAQ permit under each emission unit. The Specific Monitoring Requirements section of the permit may also refer you to the Specific Recordkeeping Requirements or Specific Reporting Requirements sections of the permit for additional monitoring requirements. 

There is no official form or format to report this information. Report formats will vary from facility to facility due to differences in permit conditions, but the Semi Annual Report must contain all applicable monitoring information.  Summary tables may also be appropriate.  A facility may always check with their inspector, regarding format, prior to submittal.  ​​

Has your air permit contact changed?

​If the air permit contact person for your facility has changed, please email Samantha Hoffman​ to update this information. Please note: An air permit contact cannot be a third party consultant.​​​

Need more information?

For additional help with preparing your routine reports, contact Compliance Assistance through their website or by calling 502-782-6189.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.