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Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan (SRF) Program

Administering Agency: Kentucky Infrastructure Authority and the Kentucky Division of Water
Type of Funding: Loan
Funding Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Eligible Entities: Public wastewater systems

Wastewater systems may apply for loans for construction and other infrastructure improvements that achieve or maintain compliance with the requirements of the Clean Water Act. The CWSRF provides low-interest rates and flexible loan terms for funding wastewater treatment plants, nonpoint source pollution control and estuary protection. Find out more by visiting the CWSRF page.

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan (SRF) Program

Administering Agency: Kentucky Infrastructure Authority and the Kentucky Division of Water
Type of Funding: Loan
Funding Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Eligible Entities: Public and private drinking water systems

Drinking water systems may apply for loans for construction and other infrastructure improvements that achieve or maintain compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. A portion of these funds are also available to fund programs such as source water protection, state program administration, well head protection, and technical assistance to small systems. Find out more by visiting the DWSRF page.

Illegal Dump Cleanup Grant Program

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Type of Funding: Grant
Funding Source: Kentucky Pride Fund
Eligible Entities: County Governments

The Division of Waste Management's Resource Conservation and Local Assistance (RCLA) Branch administers grants to counties for illegal dump cleanup. The Illegal Dump Program provides counties with a 75 percent reimbursement for the cost of cleaning up illegal dumps. Learn more by visiting the Illegal Dumps information page.

Litter Abatement Grant Program

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Type of Funding: Grant
Funding Source: Kentucky Pride Fund
Eligible Entities: County and City Governments

The Division of Waste Management's Resource Conservation and Local Assistance Branch administers grants to counties and cities for litter abatement. Find out more by visiting the Litter Abatement page.

Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grant

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Water
Type of Funding: Grant
Funding Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Eligible Entities: All entities are eligible to apply

Nonpoint source grants are available for watershed restoration projects and watershed implementation plan development as well as other nonpoint source pollution control projects to help mitigate or prevent runoff pollution. Funds can be used to pay for up to 60 percent of the total cost for each project; a 40 percent nonfederal match is required.  Learn more by visiting the Division of Water Grant Program page.

Waste Tire Grant Program

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Type of Funding: Grant
Funding Source: Kentucky Waste Tire Trust Fund
Eligible Entities: All entities are eligible to apply

The Waste Tire Grant Program offers grants for Kentucky schools, city and county governments, businesses, industries, public parks and state agencies interested developing waste tire markets. Funds can be used to pay for up to 75 percent of the total cost for each project; a 25 percent match is required. More information can be found by visiting the Waste Tires page

Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Claim Payments

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Type of Funding:  Reimbursement of incurred costs
Funding Source: Kentucky Petroleum Storage Tank Environmental Assurance Fund (PSTEAF)
Eligible Entities: Underground Storage Tanks Owners and Operators

The PSTEAF provides reimbursement for corrective action activities as directed by the cabinet for owners and/or operators of regulated petroleum underground storage tank (UST) systems through either the Financial Responsibility Account or the Petroleum Storage Tank Account and UST removals for those owners that meet the criteria for reimbursement from the Small Owner Tank Removal Account. More information is available at the UST Claims and Payments page.

Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Grant Collection Program

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Type of Funding: Grant
Funding Source: Kentucky Pride Fund
Eligible Entities: Local governments, solid waste management districts, public schools, universities and colleges are eligible to apply.

The Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Grant Collection Program goal is to leverage limited funds into efficient and cost-effective projects to help Kentucky develop an integrated recycling infrastructure, manage household hazardous waste and provide recycling and HHW public education programs. Priority will be given to regional recycling programs and regional household hazardous waste management programs with state-approved inter-local cooperative agreements. Funds can be used to pay for up to 75 percent of the total cost for each project; a 25 percent match is required.  To learn more, visit the Division of Waste Management's Recycling page.

Source Water Protection Assistance Program (SWPAP)

Administering Agency: Kentucky Division of Water
Type of Funding: Grant
Funding Source: US Environmental Protection Agency, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Eligible Entities: Public water systems, municipal entities, water or conservation districts, units and subunits of local governments, associations, educational institutions and some nonprofits under 26 U.S.C. sec.501 (c)(3).

The Source Water Protection Assistance Program (SWPAP) is designed to provide communities with funding to develop and implement projects within a one-year time frame to protect public drinking water sources. Eligible activities include those projects that lead to a reduced risk of degradation or contamination of the drinking water source. Projects must contribute to improved protection of one or more active or planned public drinking water supply sources and are expected to provide long-term benefits to source water quality. Projects that implement measures to address conditions or contaminants that could have a negative effect on drinking water sources are eligible for funding and cannot exceed $60,000 per project. Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to: identification, removal or management of contaminant sources, source area security measures, and public education/outreach. Find out more by visiting the SWPAP page. 

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.