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2024 Annual Report Released

​​​The Division for Air Quality's FY 2024 annual report is now available for viewing. Check it out here:

​Updates to the eForms Experience​​

Effective July 15, 2024, the Energy and Environment Cabinet updated the electronic filing system to enhance efficiency and user experience. Users can now access eForms using a single account, and you will no longer be required to utilize Kentucky Online Gateway to reach the eForms application. As a result of these changes, your email address will be utilized as your username, and a password change will be required before accessing the site.

The guidance document and instructional videos below will help you navigate these changes.

Air Emissions Fee Amendment Proposed

​​​​​​401 KAR 50:038 is an administrative regulation that enforces the Air Emissions Fee in Kentucky. Fees are calculated by the Energy and Environment Cabinet, where the cost per ton emitted is determined annually based on the operating budget and subject emissions. ​The proposed amendment will lower the per ton cost of billable pollutants for all permitted sources in Kentucky. Learn more about the proposed amendment on the Proposed Regulation Changes web page​​.

2024 Network Plan Available

​The 2024 Kentucky Annual Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan has been released. This plan details the locations, sampling equipment, and operating parameters of Kentucky's air monitoring network for Fiscal Year 2024.​​

Air Quality Awareness Week

​​​​​Air Quality Awareness Week (AQAW) is celebrated every year in early May. Visit EPA's Air Quality Awareness Day web page​ for resources on wildfire smoke, asthma​​, and other air quality topics. New in 2024: a student activity book packed with fun air quality activities.

Check out Kentucky's AQAW videos, past and present, below.

EPA & DAQ Host Public Meeting in Calvert City

Officials Discuss Findings in Air Monitoring Study & Risk Assessment

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Division for Air Quality hosted an in-person and virtual public meeting to provide information about the Calvert City air toxics monitoring study and risk assessment. The in-person meeting was held at the Calvert City Library at 6 PM CST on Feb. 13, 2024. Visit the EPA's Calvert City Air Monitoring web page for the risk assessment report and supporting documents.​​​

EPA Approves Redesignation of Northern KY

​​​​Boone, Kenton, & Campbell counties now meeting ozone standard​

(Oct. 5, 2023) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published EPA’s approval of the Kentucky Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan, redesignating the Kentucky portion of the Cincinnati OH-KY 2015 8-Hour ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Area to Attainment. Read more about this redesignation in EPA's press release.​

​Canadian Wildfire Smoke: Learn More

Smoke from Canadian wildfires visited the Commonwealth on and off throughout the summer of 2023, causing hazy skies and poor air quality in some areas. AirNow's Smoke and Fire Map is a great place to go to track smoke plumes and their impact on local air quality. You can track your local air quality at AirNow, and learn more about the Air Quality Index at​​.​​

DIY Indoor Air Cleaner

​DAQ educator Roberta Burnes demonstrates how you can build your own "Corsi-Rosenthal box" to filter mold, dust, and wildfire smoke from your indoor air effectively and affordably. Watch the video here.​

Tour an Air Monitoring Station

In celebration of Air Quality Awareness Week​​, Kentucky DAQ staff gave a video tour of an air monitoring station in Lexington. Meet some of our environmental scientists and find out how we track air pollution across the commonwealth.

Online Asbestos Abatement Orientation

The option to attend the Division for Air Quality’s Asbestos Abatement Orientation online is now available. To register, please email Emma Moreo. Include in the email a copy of your most recent EPA Supervisor training certificate. Please note that the online orientation instructions will only be sent to an individual’s email address and not a company wide email address.

Land, Air, & Water

Read about the Division for Air Quality in the EEC's webzine, Land, Air, & Water.

"Smoke School" Prepares Air Quality Inspectors to Read Visible Emissions

Learn Before You Burn

Protecting Air Quality with a Unique Camera

Detecting Volatile Organic Compounds

Raising the Flag for Air Quality

Asbestos Detectives: Preparing the Capital Plaza Tower for Safe Demolition

Braving the Weather for Air Data

Students Design Air Quality Solutions

Teaching About Air Quality with Electric Cars

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.