An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Kentucky’s Agriculture Water Quality Authority has approved Best Management Practices (BMPs) to assist landowners as they work toward conserving Kentucky’s land and water. These BMPs are acceptable practices that could be implemented to protect water quality and promote soil conservation during agricultural and silvicultural activities. On this page, as well as in the Statewide Agriculture Water Quality Plan, the BMPs are categorized in six sections for ease of use. Each file below has information and examples about each BMP.
BMP 1: Access Roads, Trails, and LandingsBMP 2: Revegetation of Silviculturally Disturbed AreasBMP 3: Streamside Management Zones (SMZ)BMP 4: Sinkholes, Sinking Streams, and CavesBMP 5: Fluids and TrashBMP 6: Proper Planting of Tree Seedlings by MachineBMP 7: FertilizationBMP 8: Application of PesticidesBMP 9: Site Preparation for ReforestationBMP 10: Silviculture in Wetland Areas
BMP 1: Storage of Dry Bulk FertilizerBMP 2: Storage of Liquid Bulk FertilizerBMP 3: Storage of Liquid and Dry Fertilizer (small quantities)BMP 4: Storage of Dry Bulk PesticidesBMP 5: Storage of Liquid Bulk PesticidesBMP 6: Storage of Liquid and Dry Pesticides (small quantities)BMP 7: Transport of Pesticides and FertilizerBMP 8: Mixing, Loading, and Handling of Pesticides and Fertilizers and Their ContainersBMP 9: Excess Pesticide DisposalBMP 10: Pesticide and Fertilizer Container DisposalBMP 11: Applying Pesticides
BMP 1: Solid Waste ProceduresBMP 2: Septic Systems and On-Site Sewage DisposalBMP 3: On-Farm Petroleum Storage and HandlingBMP 4: Well ProtectionBMP 5: Water HarvestingBMP 6: Backflow Prevention
BMP 1: Conservation Cropping SequenceBMP 2: Conservation CoverBMP 3: Conservation Tillage and Crop Residue Use BMP 4: Contour FarmingBMP 5: Nutrient ManagementBMP 6: Filter StripBMP 7: Grasses and Legumes in RotationBMP 8: MulchingBMP 9: Pasture and Hayland Planting and ManagementBMP 10: StripcroppingBMP 11: Critical Area Planting and TreatmentBMP 12: Pest Management, Including Cultural ControlBMP 13: Cover CropsBMP 14: Grassed WaterwayBMP 15: Water Control StructureBMP 16: Precision Agriculture
BMP 1: Planned GrazingBMP 2: Proper Stocking DensityBMP 3: Riparian Area ProtectionBMP 4: Limiting Access to Surface WaterBMP 5: Manure Management SystemsBMP 6: Manure Storage PondsBMP 7: Manure Holding TanksBMP 8: Manure Treatment LagoonsBMP 9: Sediment and Solids Separation BasinsBMP 10: Manure Stack PadsBMP 11: Nutrient ManagementBMP 12: Equine and Poultry Waste FeedBMP 13: Filter StripsBMP 14: Feeding and Heavy Use ManagementBMP 15: Dead Animal DisposalBMP 16: Milking Center Wastewater TreatmentBMP 17: Poultry Facility Siting and Land Application of On-Farm Generated Waste By-ProductsBMP 18: Stormwater ManagementBMP 19: Totally Covered Open Confinement
BMP 1: Stream Crossing for Farm EquipmentBMP 2: Sand and Gravel RemovalBMP 3: Streambank and Shoreline ProtectionBMP 4: Proper Stream Drainage Maintenance