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The Terrapin Creek drainage in Graves and Calloway counties is a highly significant aquatic system that supports an unusual diversity of fishes including several species found nowhere else in Kentucky. The area is characterized by extensive wetlands, springs and spring runs unlike any other in Kentucky that are home to a broad array of plants and animals. The commission's goal is to protect this important system from future modifications that could result in the loss of a unique Kentucky resource.

The commission took its first step in the long-term protection of the wetlands complex when 22 acres of land in Graves County were acquired and dedicated on June 3, 1992, forming Terrapin Creek State Nature Preserve. Additional acquisitions using funds from the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund have resulted in the protection of 268 acres, mostly on the east side of the creek.

Access is by written permission for scientific research only.

Access Type: Research Only
County: Graves
Region: Western Region
Size: 268
Owner: Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Purchased with Assistance of:
Image of Terrapin Creek

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