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​​​​​​​“Kentucky’s existing resources, robust infrastructure, strong chemical and manufacturing base, along with our leadership in the automotive and logistics sectors position us as a natural location for hydrogen economic development," said Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear​. "The key now is to coordinate and access the seed funding to develop the foundation here.”

Purpose: To work with partners to develop and construct hydrogen projects over the next decade enabling Kentucky's integration into a national hydrogen economy. 

Who: Workgroup stakeholders will consist of academic institutions, individuals, organizations, and business focused on hydrogen production, transportation, delivery, and end use utilization opportunities.

Why: Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of resources, such as fossil, renewable, and nuclear resources. The energy density and energy carrying capacity of hydrogen make it an attractive cleaner fuel option for transportation, aviation, industrial uses, and electricity generation applications.

“Hydrogen is one component of Kentucky's Energy Strategy," said EEC Secretary Rebecca Goodman, "but it only becomes actionable when we come together and work collaboratively on how to build a hydrogen economy in Kentucky from the community level up.” ​

​For more information on the hydrogen, such as the uses of hydrogen, how hydrogen is made, and how hydrogen is classified, please visit the Office of Energy Policy's Hydrogen 101 Page​. ​​​​​

National Hydrogen Hubs Map

​​​​Utilize the map below to explore both proposed and DOE selected hydrogen hub efforts around the nation. Kentucky is involved in two of the DOE selected hydrogen hubs - the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) and the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2) - as well as the proposed Southeast Hydrogen Hub. 

Meeting ResourcesAll the agendas, resources, and presentations for every meeting of the workgroupARCH2 - Request for InformationThe Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) is issuing a Request for Information (RFI) to identify potential projects to add to the ARCH2 portfolio. Submission will be accepted until 11:59pm EST on Friday, November 8, 2024.Hydrogen-Powered Truck Operations Feasibility Study 2024This feasibility study examined the potential for hydrogen powered truck operations in Kentucky. It identified opportunities, constraints, and possible funding sources. It considered two potential hydrogen truck refueling scenarios and outlines a proposed action plan for moving forward.Hydrogen 101 Fact SheetThe Great Plains Institute's hydrogen basics fact sheet provides an overview of hydrogen and its potential for decarbonization.Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MACHH2)With potential investments across Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin, the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen has been established to promote commercially scalable projects that will stimulate clean hydrogen production and supply hydrogen end users across diverse sectors.Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2)The Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) is a regional hub bringing together private industry, state and local government, academic and technology institutions, NGOs, and community organizations across the Northern Appalachian region including West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky.Midwestern Hydrogen Coalition (M-H2)The Midwestern Hydrogen Partnership is a collaboration of industrial, academic, research institutions, government, and other interested stakeholders that work cooperatively to enable the Midwest to address the challenges, barriers, and opportunities that can enable a prosperous hydrogen economy in the Midwest.Midwestern Hydrogen Coalition (M-H2) MOULand, Air & Water Blog Post on the Future of the KY Hydrogen Economy


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