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Wyatt Jeffries Woods, Green County Fiscal Court, 58 acres.

This small forest is believed to be the last old growth forest located in this part of the state.  It is a unique type of forest called a flatwoods which occurs in broad flats with fragipan soils which impede the downward migration of water which results in standing water during periods of the year.  It is believed that fire was an important component of these forests which resulted in a more open-canopied forest.  Two forest types are known in the woods, well-drained flatwoods dominated by American beech and white oak with Southern red and black oaks, tulip poplar, sweet gum, black gum, red maple, pignut and shellbark hickory with a sparse understory of pawpaw, flowering dogwood, Carolina buckthorn, and strawberry bush.  The other type found here is the poorly drained flatwoods and more water loving species dominate the canopy and include red maple, sweetgum, and blackgum.  There are several small sinkholes and one depression that hold water during most of the year.  More than 118 plant species have been observed and 17 species of amphibians.


Open to public dawn to dusk and the trailhead can be accessed from the parking area on US 68.  It is open to foot traffic only and visitors must stay on trails. From Greensburg, go 7.5 miles south on US 68 and the parking lot will be on your left just past H. Patterson Road.

Access Type: Open to Public
County: Green
Region: Green River Region
Size: 57.15
Owner: Green County Fiscal Court

​Green County Fiscal Court under a KHLCF conservation easement

Purchased with Assistance of:

Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund

Lat: 37.17933
Long: -85.528758
Image of Terrapin Creek

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