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​​​​​​Entities receiving funding from the Office of Energy Policy will have reporting requirements as part of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Grant Agreement (GA), or Personal Services Contract (PSC). The following links and document downloads are designed to help meet the reporting obligations of the agreement.

​​​​Grant Partner Training

​​All Office of Energy Policy grant partners must complete a self-paced, online grant partner training. Both the program manager and the fiscal manager are required to complete the training.  This training will walk you through important aspects of the contract and will allow you to have the tools needed to be in compliance.

Once you have completed the training, there is an email address for you to send the verification of completion. Please be advised reimbursement and invoices will not be processed until the training is complete. This training does not replace a partner's ability to communicate with the Office of Energy Policy anytime they have questions. 

​Office of Energy Grant Partner Training

Programmatic Reporting

Energy Reporting - This online reporting form allows fill-in-the-blank reporting of all metrics and milestones, and the ability to upload narrative Program Status Reports for your project. For specifics on your reporting obligations, refer to your agreement with OEP and download the Compliance Manual below. For assistance with the online reporting tool, see the self-help slide presentation. Metrics reporting resources cited in the Compliance Manual are provided below:​

Compliance Manual.pdf - Essential reading for all recipients of OEP funds, which outlines grant procedures and reporting requirements.​

SEP Manual​ - a reference tool for grant partners funded under the State Energy Program (SEP).

UEID Number - On April 4, 2022, the unique entity identifier used across the federal government changed from the DUNS Number to the Unique Entity ID (generated by The Unique Entity ID is a 12-character alphanumeric ID assigned to an entity by the federal government. Existing registered entities can find their Unique Entity ID by following the steps here. New entities can get their Unique Entity ID at and, if required, complete an entity registration.

Narrative Reporting Online - In addition to submitting metrics and financial information, regular narrative program status and compliance reports are required by funding agreement with OEP. Use this outline to prepare your Programmatic Status Report narratives.

Fiscal Reporting

Budget Form (PMC 123.1) - This is a blank budget template used to plan the finances of your project. Any revisions to your budget should be submitted using this form.

Draw Request Form - Used by state government agencies to request reimbursement for programs expenses. Nonstate government agencies should invoice OEP for grant reimbursement.

Environmental Compliance

Waste Management Plan Template - For projects that have National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) restrictions, you may be required to prepare a solid waste management plan. This document provides an easy-to-use template for preparing your plan.

Environmental Questionnaire  - For projects with NEPA restrictions in their funding agreements, you may need to submit additional information. Use this form to submit information to OEP. Since this requirement does not apply to all projects, contact OEP if you are unsure about your obligations.​

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.