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Audubon State Park is the home of the famed naturalist, ornithologist, and painter and the park museum features the largest collection of original Audubon art in the world in addition to personal artifacts about his life.  The surrounding forest along the bluffs of the Ohio River is mature, almost old growth in nature with some trees more than 200 years old.  Approximately half of the property has been dedicated as a state Nature Preserve.  At least 61 species of trees and more than 200 wildflowers have been documented from the site.  The north facing, mesic forests are dominated by American Beech, sugar maple, and American basswood whereas the more south facing slopes are dominated by sugar maple, various oaks, and tulip tree. At least 169 bird species have been observed in the park.  

The 650-acre Audubon Wetlands was added to the park by the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation fund in 2016.  The highlight is a bald eagle nest and heron rookery, as well as habitat for waterfowl and amphibians.  The Friends of Audubon, a local nonprofit, has installed a wheelchair accessible boardwalk through the wetlands with plans to install more. 


More than 6.5 miles of hiking trails are available for use from dawn to dusk and one short trail is available for dog walking.  Off-road vehicles and horses are prohibited.  There are other forms of recreation, such as camping, available at the park.  The entrance is on the east side of US Highway 41 between Walnut Lane and Stratman Road, Henderson. The Audubon Wetland parking lot is on Wolf Hills Road, which is just north of the main park entrance.



​Learn more about the wildflower displays at John James Audobon State Park

​View Audubon Wetlands

Access Type: Open to Public
County: Henderson
Region: Green River Region
Size: 1,003.27
Owner: Kentucky State Parks

Kentucky State Parks under a KHLCF easement and KNP dedication

Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 37.882048
Long: -87.557711
Image of Terrapin Creek

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