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​​​​​​The purpose of the Martin County Water District Workgroup is to create a unified approach and open collaboration between the Cabinet and other stakeholders in an endeavor to provide sustainable and affordable drinking water to Martin County residents.

The Workgroup is led by Secretary Rebecca Goodman and she conducts quarterly meetings to track progress, align future goals, and provide an opportunity for open discussion. The group is comprised of representatives from EEC, Martin County Water District, Alliance Water Resources, Kentucky Rural Water Associates, University of Kentucky, Big Sandy Area Development District, Martin County Concerned Citizens, and several engineering companies and law firms.

The Workgroup meets quarterly to discuss detailed operational requirements, finances, long-term planning, development of tools, or other needs of Martin County Water District. Meetings allow for presentation of material regarding capital construction projects, status of upgrades to the drinking water system, and compliance initiatives. Workgroup meetings provide an opportunity for open discussion and needed assistance.​

​​Oct 12 2023 Hybrid/Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance/Bell Updates​
Meeting Recording​​​​​
​​Jul 14 2023 Hybrid/Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance/Bell Updates​
Nina McCoy Presentation​
Meeting Recording​​​​​
​​Mar 31 2023 Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance/Bell Updates​
Meeting Recording​​​​​

​​Dec 07 2022 Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance/Bell Updates​
Meeting Recording​​​​​
​​Aug 31 2022 Hybrid/Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance/Bell Updates​
Meeting Recording​​​​​
​​Jun 08 2022 Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance Update
Meeting Recording​​​​​
​​Mar 16 2022 Teleconf​​​​erence
Meeting Agenda
Alliance Update
Meeting Recording​​​​​

​For more information please contact:

Alicia Jacobs     502-782-6987

Sarah Gaddis     502-782-6953

John Lyons        502-782-2592​

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.