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Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet

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Building Stronger Communities​​

​“Part of Gov. Andy Beshear’s Better Kentucky Plan​ is to use the $6.5 billion allocated through the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) – also known as the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act – to build stronger communities in every corner of the commonwealth. These federal dollars offer unprecedented opportunities to communities, businesses and local governments to make improvements in areas of energy efficiency, forestry, renewable energy, waste management and water. It will let Kentucky make significant progress in reclaiming abandoned mine lands, redeveloping brownfields and capping orphaned oil and gas wells.​”   - Secretary Rebecca Goodman​​

In addition to IIJA/BIL funding, the Inflation Reduction A​​ct (IRA)​ provides additional state funding opportunities, as well as credits and incentives to consumers and businesses. Funding opportunities below include programs from both IIJA/BIL and IRA. 

"Building a Better Kentucky Weekly Update"  (2/11/2025​)​​

Upcoming Dates

​​​See "Funding Opportunities" section for specific program application dead​lin​es.

Feb. 25 - 27, 2025: EEC-DWM Conference

Ky. Solid Waste, Recycling, and Sustainability Conference (Louisville, KY) ​​
For more information or to register, visit the Confere​nce ev​ent page​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.​​

Feb. 26 - 27, 2025: GRK/KNN In Person Workshop

Grant Writing Workshop, 2-Day (Somerset, KY) ​​($)
For more information or to register, visit the Workshop's ev​ent page​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.​​

​Mar. 12, 2025: FEMA Webinar

BABAA Lunch & Learn: Three Key PIllars - Background, Compliance, Waivers (1:00 - 1:30p ET) ​​
For more information or to register, visit FEMA's eve​nt page​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.​​​​​​

Aug. 5 - 8, 2025: EPA Conference

2025 National Brownfields Training Conference (Chicago, IL) ​​
For more information or to register, visit the Conference's event page​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.​​ 

Approaching Deadlines...​​​​

See "Funding Opportunities" below for additional deadlines:

​Funding ​Opportuni​​​​ties

Search through the following list of grants and funding opportunities for Kentucky communities, schools, and businesses. Additional information and links to guidance will be posted on this page when they become available, so check back often!

​Energy Efficiency & Resilience​

​​Funding Source: ​IIJA/BIL
Program Title: Energy Improvement in R​ural or Remote Areas​​ (ERA) Purpose: ​To support small community-driven clean energy projects $500,000 to $5 million that address at least one of the resilient clean energy objectives outlined in 40103(c)(3) are addressed
Who can apply: ​State/local government; Indian Nations; non-profits; for-profits; institutions of higher education; consortia
Deadline:  Feb. 27, 2025 (5p ET), concept paper; Aug. 28, 2025 (5p ET), full application
Where to apply: ​DOE via (DE-FOA-0003428​)
Questions: ​​​

Funding Source: ​Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Program Title: Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants
Purpose: To provide guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make efficiency improvements
Who can apply: Agricultural producers, small rural businesses
​​Deadlines:  Sept. 30; Dec. 31, 2024; Mar. 31, 2025
Where to Apply: ​USDA-RD via state energy coordinator
Questions? Contact Scott Maas, USDA-RD, 859-224-7319​​​​​

Funding Source: ​IIJA/BIL
Purpose:  To increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons, reduce their total residential energy expenditure and improve their health and safety
Who can apply:  Low-income households 
Deadline:  Ongoing
Where to apply:  Local Community Action Agency​
Questions? Weatherization Assistance ​Program​​​

Federal guidance on the following is forthcoming.  Please check back closer to the identified time period for updates.

​Forestry/Nature and Safety

​Funding Source: IIJA/BIL
Program Title: FY26 Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership
Purpose: To collaborate on projects that mitigate wildfire risk, improve water quality, and restore forest ecosystems
​Who Can Apply: County/state govt, NGOs, utilities, private stakeholders through the local NRCS or Forest Service Office
Deadline: FY26 application period opens May 1, 2025
Where to Apply: local NRCS or Forest Service Office makes application to National Office
Questions? Contact Clint Cross (FS), 202-205-0995 or Matthew Vandersande (NRCS), 202-690-1588​

​Funding Source: IIJA/BIL
Program Title: FY24-25 Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program​
Purpose: To achieve a reduction in the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and improve habitat connectivitiy for terrestrial and aquatic species
​​Who Can Apply: State transportation agency; metro planning org; local govt; regional transportation authority; etc.
Deadline: FY24-25 deadline has passed; FY26 opens May 1, 2025
Where to Apply: DOT FHA via (693JJ324NF00023)
Questions? email

Federal guidance on the following is forthcoming. Please check back closer to the identified time period for updates.

​Reclamation, Remediation, and Prevention

Funding Source: ​IIJA/BIL
Program Title: Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program​
​Purpose: To abate problems caused by historic coal mining (pre-May 18, 1982)
Who Can Apply: registered state vendor contractors
Deadline: See each RFB for deadlines
Where to Apply: Finance Cabinet Vend​or Self Ser​vice Portal
RFB#s:  RFB-172-25 23030AMLBAML (Floyd), 2/17/2025 @ 9:30a ET
                 RFB-175-25 Red-Ad of RFB222-24 23077AMLBAML (Pike), 2/18/2025 @ 9:30a ET
                ​ RFB-184-25 Re-Ad of RFB-137-25 23082 AMLBAML (Pike), 2/19/2025 @ 9:30a ET
                ​ ​RFB-18-25 23130AMLBAML (Martin), 3/11/25 @9:30a ET
Learn More:  Ky. ​Division of Abandoned Mine Lands​
                         Contractor Workshop Slides​ / Additional Contractor Info​
​​Questions? Contact James Cable​, 502-564-2141​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Funding Source: Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Program Title: Methane Emissions Reduction Program ​Oil and Gas Methane Monitoring and Mitigation
Purpose: To minimize emissions of methane during production, processing, and transportation across the oil and natural gas industry, specifically small oil and natural gas operators
Who Can Apply: Operators
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2025; nominations are closed; future nomination period may open this spring
Where to Apply: KDOG w​​ebpage (nomination form; right of entry consent) ​
Questions: Email​​

Funding Source: IIJA/BIL
Program Title: ​State Orph​aned Well Program​​​
Purpose: To assist in activities related to plugging, remediation and reclaiming orphaned wells on state and private lands
Who can apply: Registered state vendor contractors
Deadline: TBA
Where to apply: Finance Cabinet Vendor Self Service Portal​
RFP#s: RFP0188-25 KASTOW-ORPHAN WELL PACKAGE - MCLEAN#002, 2/27/2025 @ 3:00p ET​
​Important:  Contractor Meeting Slides​
                        DOL Da​vis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Seminars​
Learn More: Kentucky's IIJA Orphan Well Plugging Dashboard
Questions?  Contact Ky. Division of Oil & Gas​, 502-573-0147

​To report orphaned wells in your area, email​. ​

Federal guidance on the following is forthcoming.  Please check back closer to the identified time period for updates.

​Renewable Energy

Funding Source: ​IIJA/BIL
Program Title: Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs)​
Purpose: To support the development of six (6) to 10 regional clean hydrogen hubs to improve clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, end use
Who Can A​pply:  State, other industry groups/organizations
Deadline: 2023 deadline has passed
Learn More:  Kentucky Hydrogen Hub Workgroup​
                          DOE's H2Hubs Webinar Recording
Questions?  Kentucky efforts, Kenya Stump​, 502-782-7083​​​

Funding Source: ​Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Program Title: Low Income Com​​munities Bonus Credits​
Purpose: Provides a 10 or 20 percentage point increase to the investment tax credit for qualified solar and wind energy facilities with a maximum net output of less than five megawatts (AC)​
Who Can A​pply:  Applicants investing in certain solar or wind powered electricity generation facilities (​see above link for details)
Deadline: Feb. 14, 2025* after this date, rolling acceptance for 2025 Program Year, until Aug. 1, 2025 or funds expended
Questions?  contact​​​​​​​

Funding Source: Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Program Title:  ​REAP Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Loans & Grants
See "Rural Energy for America" under Energy Efficiency above​

​Waste Management

Program Title: Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling
See "More..." under Energy Efficiency & Resilience above​​​​​​​

​Funding Source: IIJA/BIL
Program Title:  Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and Second Life Applications​
Purpose: For research, development, and demonstration of second-​life applications for electric drive vehicle batteries, as well as technologies and processes for final recycling and disposal of ev batteries.
Who Can Apply:  Higher educ., for-/not-for-profit entities, state/local government, and consortia of these
​​Deadline:FY23 deadline has passed
Where to Apply: DOE via​
Questions?  ​​Contact Mark K. Solomon

Federal guidance on the following is forthcoming.  Please check back closer to the identified time period for updates.


Funding Source: ​IIJA/BIL
Program Title: Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for wastewater infrastructure, storm water, and non-point source projects
Who can apply: Projects listed on Kentucky's annual Clean Water Intended Use Plan/Priority list
Where to apply: Local Area Development District
Learn More: Division of Water - CWSRF
Questions? See Division of Water SRF Contacts​
                    See also Kentucky Infrastructure Authority

Funding Source: ​IIJA/BIL
Program Title: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to help water systems and states achieve the objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act (1996)
Who can apply: Public Water Systems
Where to apply: Local Area Development District
Learn More: Division of Wa​ter - DWSRF​
Questions? See Division of Water SRF Contacts
                    See also Kentucky Infrastructure Authority​​​

Federal guidance on the following is forthcoming.  Please check back closer to the identified time period for updates.

​Workforce & Environmental Justice​​​

​Funding Source: Other Federal
Program Title: Good Jobs in Clean Energy P​rize​​ 
Purpose: To encourage coalition-building in communities that focus on creating quality jobs and fostering and equitable and inclusive workforce in clean energy sectors
Who Can Apply: Coalition of partners, must include one representative from five key stakeholder groups
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2025 (5p ET) deadline has passed
Where to Apply: DOE's HeroX site - link not available at this time
Learn More:​ Informational ​Webinar, Oct. 3 @ 3p ET - link not available at this time
Questions? Contact


Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601

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Civil Rights/Derecho Civiles

The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.