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​The 609-acre E. Lucy Braun State Nature Preserve is located on the south slope of Pine Mountain in Harlan County. It contains a great variety of habitats and biological diversity. The preserve was dedicated into the state nature preserves system on June 13, 2007. Large sandstone outcrops found throughout the preserve feature gnarly old pitch pines (Pinus rigida) and Virginia pines (P. virginiana), colorful mosses and lichens. These openings offer striking views of Black Mountain across the valley to the south. Pine woodland, a rare community type recovering from the pine bark beetle outbreak in the late 1990s, fringes these outcrops to the north. An Appalachian bog, one of the rarest natural communities in the state, also is known from the property. The preserve provides habitat for rare plants such as showy gentian (Gentiana decora) and pale corydalis (Corydalis sempervirens), which are restricted to Pine Mountain. The only known state record of a globally rare club-moss occurs there as well. Facilities are planned for through-hiking on the Pine Mountain Trail on land adjoining the preserve. Hiking is available from sunrise to sunset.


Access Type: Open to Public
County: Harlan
Region: Southeastern Region
Size: 609
Owner: Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves
Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 36.9648889
Long: -83.109444
Image of Terrapin Creek

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