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The Division of Conservation administers the Agricultural District Program.  This program was created by the Agricultural District and Conservation Act (KRS 262.850) that was passed by the Kentucky General Assembly in 1982.

Kentucky has been a national leader in the protection of its land resources and in promoting the economic importance of its agricultural industry. The Agricultural District Program plays a valuable role in protecting our agricultural land base and family farms across the state.

The goals of the Agricultural District Program are to protect our best agricultural land for food and fiber production and to prevent its conversion to nonagricultural usage. 

Land enrolled in the Agricultural District Program cannot be annexed, cannot be condemned without mitigation, is taxed at the agricultural rate, is eligible for deferred assessment costs when water lines are extended and receives extra points when applying for state Cost Share or to the Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements (PACE) Program. 

A landowner or group of landowners with at least 50 contiguous acres in active agricultural production is eligible to form an agricultural district. Individual parcels must contain at least 10 acres or 11 acres with a homestead.  The total acreage in the district may drop below 50 over time, but individual parcels must remain at 10 or 11.  Participation is strictly voluntary, and a landowner may withdraw land at anytime without penalty or without jeopardizing the status of the existing agricultural district.

Currently, there are 581 certified agricultural districts consisting of approximately 445,170 acres in 80 of Kentucky’s 120 counties.  These numbers change often.

For additional information, contact your local conservation district office or e-mail Mark Davis.  

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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