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Resource TitleDescriptionProgram

​This factsheet covers important details for disposing of 3-D printing waste. 

Compliance Assistance

​This factsheet covers the requirements and regulations regarding aerosol cans as universal waste. 

Compliance Assistance

This presentation highlights some of the funding available for biomass-to-energy projects.

Compliance Assistance

This presentation covers how the USDA can assist anaerobic digestion progects through support and funding.

Compliance Assistance

This presentation illustrates how current and future regulations make energy production through biomass attractive.

Compliance Assistance

​This factsheet covers the regulations pertaining to proper operation of animal incinerator facilities (crematoriums), with the intent of cremating animal remains for return of ashes to owner, beneficial reuse​ by land application, or disposal as solid waste. 

Compliance Assistance

​Frequently asked questions for Annual Compliance Certification report submittals. ​

Compliance Assistance

​Video developed on air permit required report, Annual Complicance Certification. 

Compliance Assistance
A quick reference guide on Arsenic and Clarification to Compliance and the New Source Monitoring Rule. This rule improves public health by reducing exposure to arsenic in drinking water.​
Compliance Assistance
This EPA technical handbook is intended to help small drinking water systems make treatment decisions to comply with the revised arsenic rule.
Operator Certification and Licensing

​This document gives a general overview of the different types of asbestos and its impacts on human health. It also answers general questions regarding renovation and demolition and provides general resources.

Compliance Assistance

​This document is designed to serve as a guide for asbestos notification and control procedures in accordance with 401 KAR 58:025 and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for asbestos listed in 40 CFR 61 Part M.​

Compliance Assistance
This EPA fact sheet will help you understand the basics of asset management for local officials and their vital role in successfully implementing an asset management program.
Operator Certification and Licensing
A best practices guide for asset management. This guide will help you understand what asset management means, the benefits of asset management, best practices in asset management and how to implement an asset management program.
Operator Certification and Licensing
This EPA guide is designed for owners and operators of small community water systems (CWSs). This guide presents basic concepts of asset management and provides the tools to develop an asset management plan.
Operator Certification and Licensing
EPA website with federal Superfund redevelopment information and resources

A guide to evaluate compliance with federal environmental regulations that are applicable to the automotive repair industry.
Compliance Assistance
Practices and procedures associated with safe management of hazardous wastes involved in automotive repair.
Compliance Assistance
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) site provides information on AWWA education opportunities.
Operator Certification and Licensing

​This fact sheet provides an overview of biomass boilers, financial assistance opportunities, permitting/authorization requirements and compliance resources.

Compliance Assistance

This presentation covers renewable energy options in Kentucky with a focus on biomass energy.

Compliance Assistance

This brochure is a summary of the regulations controlling air emissions from industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers located at area sources.

Compliance Assistance

This guide is designed to help small businesses determine if and how they are affected by the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Area Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers.

Compliance Assistance

This document includes videos, publications, websites, and important dates that make complying with the area source rule easier. 

Compliance Assistance

Kentucky's Brownfield Redevelopment and Reuse Program can assist non-profit, governmental, and quasi-governmental organizations redevelop properties that have, or are perceived to have, environmental contaminuation.

This EPA fact sheet will help you understand how forming and having a team can help your water system. It discusses how to successfully implement an asset management program and the components of a successful asset management team.

Operator Certification and Licensing
CUPSS is a free, easy-to-use, asset management tool for small drinking water utilities. CUPSS can be used to help develop a record of assets, a schedule of required tasks, an understanding of the utility's financial situation, and a tailored asset management plan.​
Operator Certification and Licensing

​Healthcare facilities like hospitals, pharmacies, doctor offices and laboratory clinics must manage many kinds of waste unique to their industry. Chemotherapy agents are one form of waste these types of facilities can produce. The requirements and recommendations for disposal may vary because of the specific characteristics of the waste.

Compliance Assistance

This tool helps you take a step-by-step process to decide best cleaning and disinfecting practices for public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, and homes. 

Operator Certification and Licensing
The EPA's website explaining climate change and what can be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Compliance Assistance


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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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