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Whitley Branch Wetlands, City of London, Laurel County, 85 acres. 

This property was purchased to restore a wetland and its hydrology to a meandering stream channel that has been highly impacted by development and contamination.  This particular branch has been identified as the primary source of nutrients, sediments, pollution, and pathogens in the Corbin City Reservoir watershed. The current vegetation supports primarily tall fescue and old field goldenrod with some patches of swamp rose and blackberries.  Woody vegetation present includes red maple, sweet gum, and silver maple with some sycamore.  The vegetation will be restored to more native species including pin oak, white, swamp chestnut, and willow oaks along with naturally regenerating green ash, black willow, red maple, and silver maple.


Not open to the public at the present time due to wetland restoration activities.  It will be open in the future for environmental education activities.

Access Type: By Appointment Only
County: Laurel
Region: Eastern Region
Size: 75.57
Owner: City of London

​City of London under a KHLCF conservation easement

Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 37.103487
Long: -84.057384
Image of Terrapin Creek

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