Our Mission
The mission of Kentucky Division of Mine Safety is to ensure all coal miners in the Commonwealth are provided with a safe working environment; to provide effective education and training to coal miners to foster safe work practices; and to ensure that statutes and regulations regarding coal mining are enforced fairly and consistently throughout the Commonwealth.
Safety, training, and enforcement help to make Kentucky coal mines safe for all miners. Keeping this at the forefront of the Division's endeavors, Mine Safety will continue its efforts in protecting the coal industries number one resource, The Miner.
Kentucky Safety Milestone
The Energy and Environment Cabinet is pleased to announce a significant safety milestone in the Kentucky coal industry. The industry achieved a safety record of zero fatalities for the calendar year 2023. This achievement marks the first time in the history of the Kentucky Division of Mine Safety that the coal industry has marked such a record. The industry has actually accomplished a 21-month record with no fatalities since March 20, 2022.
The Cabinet extends its congratulations to the entire industry for their work in reaching this milestone. The industry's partnership and collaboration with the Cabinet's Division of Mine Safety and the Mine Safety and Health Administration, have helped to prioritize the well-being and safety of our miners.
The Cabinet acknowledges and appreciates the tireless work, training, and resources invested by each and every individual and corporate partner in the coal industry. Your contributions have made a significant difference, and this unprecedented safety record could not have been achieved without your support.
The Cabinet remains dedicated to continuing an exceptional safety record and to continuously improving the Division of Mine Safety's contribution to safety standards. We value our partnership with the coal industry and are committed to working collaboratively to create an even safer environment for all miners.
Once again, thank you for your integral role in this remarkable achievement.
With Profound Appreciation,
Timothy L. Fugate, Division Director