Kentucky Nature Preserves Junior Naturalist Interpreter
Do you know someone between the ages of 3-16 that loves the Earth and all the amazing plants, animals, and habitat in it? Participate in our Junior Naturalist Program and share your knowledge and love of nature with the public as a KNP representative. This content will be seen far and wide across our social media platforms and YouTube channel. Here is how to participate:
1. Email madeline.heredia@ky.gov with the subject line reading: "Junior Naturalist Proposal; child's first name".
2. The body of the email will include a first draft proposal that must include: (sample email below)
- Content:
- This is the subject that your video will be focused on. This can be a plant or animal that your child is interested in researching or learning more about. Or can be more of a broader concept like endangered species, biological communities, climate change, invasive species etc.
- Talking Points
- 1-3 points that you want to discuss in your video
- Name of Junior Naturalist
- Age
- Setting of video
We will help you with the language, facts, and structure of your video. After you submit your proposal. Once a script has been agreed upon, you can start filming.
3. Film the video!
- If you are using a camera phone, please film the video horizontally
- Props, models, or images may be used to help you communicate your subject matter
- Do not worry too much about bloopers or making it perfect. We will fix that in the editing process.
4. Submit your entry!
You may be the next educator featured on our platforms!
To see your videos, follow us on;
See our first Junior Naturalists Video below!