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​Lincoln Boyhood Home National Historic Site, LaRue County Fiscal Court, 228 acres transferred to National Park Service.

This important site expands the National Park Service boyhood home of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. He lived at this location from age 2 until 7 and the land purchased with KHLCF funding lies behind the actual home site and is a mixture of forest, a stream corridor, and a 7 acre agricultural field which has been sown to orchard grass, timothy, clover and alfalfa. The lower slope calcareous forests are dominated by tuliptree, sugar maple, northern red oak, black oak, white ash, American beech, chinquapin oak, shagbark and bitternut hickory, and slippery elm. This is a rich north facing slope with a nice display of spring ephemeral wildflowers including bloodroot, trout lily, wild geranium, blue cohosh, jack in pulpit, wild ginger, spring beauty, dwarf larkspur, twinleaf, Virginia blue bells, blue phlox, Jacob’s ladder, wood poppy, bent and sessile trillium, bellwort, and various violets. The upper slope ridges and cliffs has a more open canopy with white, black chestnut, chinquapin, and post oaks with mockernut and pignut hickory interspersed with Virginia Pine. The understory has various grasses, shrubs, and flowers including broomsedge, Elliott’s broomsedge, red cedar, black haw, smooth sumac, dogwood,  hoary puccoon, bluets, dwarf crested iris, prickly pear cactus, shooting star, and green violet. The most significant habitat on these slopes includes a portion of limestone slope glade with following rare species Barrens silky aster, umbel-like sedge, scarlet Indian paintbrush, whorled horse balm, spinulose wood fern, blue mud-plantain, round headed bush clover, plains muhly grass, thread-like naiad, rough dropseed, and northern fox grape.


 Open dawn to dusk daily and special interpretative hours are available at the park's website. A hiking trail leads to the knob overlooking the site. From Bardstown take US 31E for approximately 20 miles and the entrance is on your right.

Access Type: Open to Public
County: LaRue
Region: Green River Region
Size: 228
Owner: National Park Service
Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 37.6114505
Long: -85.6380174
Image of Terrapin Creek

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