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​Supervisors and staff of Kentucky's conservation districts may find the links below to be helpful in their district activities.

ENRI Task Force
Information about environmental and natural resources issues, including Nutrient Management Plans, from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Firewise program
U.S. Firewise Communities home page
Forest Leadership Program
University of Kentucky's Forest Leadership Program designed for high school students to study forest management and related subjects
Department of Local Government
Online portal of all Special Purpose Governmental Entities in Kentucky
Kentucky Association of Conservation District Employees
KACDE news and updates
Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA NRCS Web page for Kentucky
National Association of Conservation Districts
NACD news and updates
Create Your Agriculture Water Quality Plan
Online tool for creating an Agriculture Water Quality Plan
Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation
A voluntary organization of farm families and their allies dedicated to serving as the voice of agriculture
Open Meetings/Open Records Act Information
"Your Duty Under The Law," a booklet prepared by the Attorney General's office to assist public officials with understanding their duty.
Farm Service Agency
USDA FSA Web page for Kentucky
Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 262
Statutes regarding conservation districts, the Soil and Water Conservation Commission, watershed conservancy districts, agricultural districts and agricultural conservation easements
Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 224.71
Statutes regarding the Agriculture Water Quality Authority
UK Agriculture Publications
Publications on a variety of topics from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Kentucky Agricultural Council
The Kentucky Agricultural Council promotes Kentucky's agriculture by sponsoring events and serving as a forum for agricultural issues and activities
Web Soil Survey
View the web soil survey, sponsored by NRCS
PACE program
The Purchase of Agriculture Conservation Easements program from the Department of Agriculture
Kentucky Administrative Regulation Title 416
Regulations regarding the Kentucky Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program and the Kentucky Equipment Revolving Fund Loan Program.
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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