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​Forms frequently used by the Department for Environmental Protection can be found in the DEP Forms Library. The forms listed below are used for operator certification. Please be advised that there is an additional $50 charge for applications received via mail.

Operator Certification Forms
Title LinkDescription
Application for Reciprocity and Equivalency
Operators who hold a valid certificate in a state, territory or possession of the United States other than Kentucky, may apply for a Kentucky certification without examination by submitting this form and the appropriate fee.
Continuing Education Activity Report
Training providers shall submit this form and the appropriate fee to the Certification and Licensing Branch upon completion of their approved training. It contains the information needed to ensure certified operators receive the appropriate continuing education credit for their attendance at that particular training event.
Education and Experience Documentation Form
Individuals desiring to become a drinking water or wastewater operator shall complete this form to document their education and experience. Certified drinking water or wastewater operators seeking to upgrade a certification are also required to submit this form to the Certification and Licensing Branch.
Mentor Letter Template - Application and Examination
This template may be used by individuals seeking an Operator-in-Training certification.
Mentor Letter Template - Renewal
This template may be used by certified operators, with an Operator-in-Training designation, who wish to renew their certification.
Application for Approval of Courses for Continuing Education
Training providers seeking approval of certified operator training shall submit this form and the appropriate fee to the cabinet for approval.
Application for Certification Renewal
Drinking water or wastewater certification renewal.
Registration Form for Exams and Training
Individuals requesting to take a drinking water or wastewater operator certification exam or attend a training session shall complete this form.
Application for Certification - Solid Waste
Individuals desiring to become a certified Solid Waste operator shall complete this form to document their education and experience. Certified operators seeking to renew their certification are also required to submit this form to the Certification and Licensing Branch.
Registration Form for Exams and Training - Solid Waste
Individuals requesting to take a Solid Waste operator certification exam or attend a training session must complete this form.
Application for Certified Training Provider
For training providers that hold conferences or provide a large number of educational events, the cabinet has established a Certified Training Provider (CTP) Program. This fee-based program allows training providers with at least three years of Cabinet approved water and wastewater educational provision in the Commonwealth to apply for certification. While the provider still has to maintain the same standards and documentation as any other provider, the pre-approval process for courses is waived. CTPs are subject to audit.
Certified Training Provider Course Submittal Form
Once a training provider has been Cabinet approved for the Certified Training Provider Program, the training provider will then submit this application with each individual course they plan to hold in order to obtain the course event ID number.
Extension Request for Approved Continuing Education Course
Training providers who have Cabinet approved training and want to extend the class approval for an additional two years.
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.