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Hazardous Waste Branch

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD), located near Richmond, Kentucky, operates a number of various hazardous waste storage and treatment units, which are covered by hazardous waste (RCRA) permits issued by the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet through the Hazardous Waste Branch. The most recent versions of some of the Chemical Weapon Demilitarization (Demil) and Open Burn / Open Detonation (OB/OD)​ control documents are available here.

Chemical Weapon Demilitarization Documents
DownloadFile Size
ACWA Storage Permit_Entire Facility Section489567
EDT Section Permit_KDEP335816
Entire Facility Section Page 2171901
AWCA Transportation and Storage Draft Permit454308
Main Plant Draft Permit VX Rockets1623582
Main Plant VX Rockets and ACWA Storage Fact Sheet160079
Main Plant VX Rockets and ACWA Storage RADIO PSA84335
Main Plant VX Rockets Completion and Schedule Letter58081
ACWA Transport and Storage Completion and Schedule Letter57549
Main Plant VX Rockets and ACWA Storage Public Notice321642
1a. Rocket Warhead Containerization Final Application492725
1b. Main Plant RWCS Permit Mod Req_NOD 171982
1c. RWCS NOD1 Response to Comments151932
1d. Main Plant RWCS Permit Mod58033
1e. BGCAPP Response to RWCS NOD 2141555
2a. Treatment of VX Rockets Application392947
3a. Vertical Rocket Cutting Machines and RNDE Final Application918974
4a. Module IX Transportation and Storage of Nerve Agent BGCAPP Application26672400
Public Meeting Main Plant VX Rockets and ACWA Storage Draft Permits1958271
MP VX Projo Class 1 PTD Report Cover743656
MP VX Projo Non-agent Air Emissions Report Only4326549
Rocket motor storage Administrative Record168514910
Offsite Hydrolysate Shipment Administrative Record13956882
Notification of Public Meeting Change for Hydrolysate and RM Storage Mods25115
Revised Public Notice for Hydrolysate Shipment and RM Storage33590
Main Plant Hydrolysate Shipment and RM Storage Fact Sheet148855
Draft BGCAPP Main Plant Permit with AH Shipment and RM Storage2531530
BGAD Class 3 Permit Mod SDC 1200 & SDC 2000 Package34709750
BGCAPP Rocket Motor Transport Risk Assessment483079
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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