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​There are three types of wastes:

  • Construction and demolition debris (CDD) is material resulting from the construction, repair, or demolition of structures or roads, as well as trees and other vegetation from road maintenance, storm cleanups, and land clearing. This material must be nonhazardous and non-soluble. Typical wastes considered CDD are brick, concrete, and lumber.   

EPA Fact Sheet_Concrete Truck Washout

  • Solid waste is any nonhazardous discarded material resulting from industrial, commercial or household operations. It is defined by Kentucky statute in KRS 224.1-010. Special waste is specifically excepted from being solid waste.

  • Special waste is defined by KRS 224.50-760 as being a waste "of high volume and low hazard" designated to be special waste by the Energy and Environment Cabinet. The waste streams most commonly handled or disposed of at special waste facilities permitted by the Solid Waste Branch are sludge from water or wastewater treatment plants and utility wastes.

A landfill, as permitted by the Solid Waste Branch, is a site for the disposal of solid or special wastes that must be designed and operated to specific criteria. Landfills often include specific areas for sorting waste, containing leachate and monitoring groundwater. There are several different kinds of landfills based on the waste streams disposed there.

  • Contained landfill -- The general public is most familiar with this type of landfill. This category of solid waste site or facility is designed to accept all nonhazardous solid waste, including household, commercial and industrial waste. This waste may include shredded tires, household hazardous waste, limited quantity generator hazardous waste, and nonhazardous spill cleanup residue. These facilities are often able to accept special waste for disposal as well.

  • Construction/demolition debris landfill -- This type of solid waste results from the construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of structures and roads, as well as waste consisting of vegetation resulting from land clearing, utility line maintenance, and seasonal and storm-related cleanup. These landfills are further subcategorized based on their size--either less than or greater than one acre.

  • Residual landfill -- A facility designed and operated to dispose a limited number of nonhazardous wastes generated by manufacturing or industrial processes that are fully characterizable. Many of these facilities are located on the same property as the plant that generates the waste.

  • Special waste landfill -- A facility designed and operated to accept for disposal a limited number of special wastes that are characterizable. Special wastes are those wastes of high volume and low hazard, and specifically listed in KRS 224.50-760. Many special waste landfills accept coal ash for disposal.​

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