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Underground Storage Tank Branch

​2019 Regulatory Amendments

Effective April 5, 2019

2019 Forms
DownloadTypeFile Size
DWM 4220 - UST Annual Walkthrough Inspection.docdoc215040
DWM 4220 - UST Annual Walkthrough Inspection.pdfpdf69246
DWM 4221 - UST Automatic Line Leak Detector Operational Test.docdoc250368
DWM 4221 - UST Automatic Line Leak Detector Operational Test.pdfpdf135017
DWM 4222 - UST Containment Device Test.docdoc162816
DWM 4222 - UST Containment Device Test.pdfpdf39316
DWM 4223 - UST Electronic Release Detection Equipment Test.docdoc200192
DWM 4223 - UST Electronic Release Detection Equipment Test.pdfpdf52832
DWM 4224 - UST Facility Owner Address Correction.docdoc101376
DWM 4224 - UST Facility Owner Address Correction.pdfpdf39237
DWM 4225 - UST Facility Registration.docdoc326144
DWM 4225 - UST Facility Registration.pdfpdf367698
DWM 4226 - UST Galvanic Cathodic Protection Evaluation.docdoc336896
DWM 4226 - UST Galvanic Cathodic Protection Evaluation.pdfpdf110294
DWM 4227 - UST Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Evaluation.docdoc327680
DWM 4227 - UST Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Evaluation.pdfpdf145428
DWM 4228 - UST Integrity Assessment.docdoc158208
DWM 4228 - UST Integrity Assessment.pdfpdf41313
DWM 4229 - UST Line Tightness Test.docdoc203776
DWM 4229 - UST Line Tightness Test.pdfpdf54167
DWM 4230 - UST Monthly Walkthrough Inspection.docdoc327680
DWM 4230 - UST Monthly Walkthrough Inspection.pdfpdf92630
DWM 4231 - UST Notice of Intent to Install Underground Storage Tank or Piping.docdoc107008
DWM 4231 - UST Notice of Intent to Install Underground Storage Tank or Piping.pdfpdf28622
DWM 4232 - UST Overfill Prevention Device Test.docdoc144384
DWM 4232 - UST Overfill Prevention Device Test.pdfpdf41691
DWM 4233 - UST Rectifier Operational Record for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems.docdoc183808
DWM 4233 - UST Rectifier Operational Record for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems.pdfpdf35323
DWM 4234 - UST System Compatibility Verification.docdoc272896
DWM 4234 - UST System Compatibility Verification.pdfpdf69945
DWM 4235 - UST Tank Tightness Test.docdoc198144
DWM 4235 - UST Tank Tightness Test.pdfpdf45591
DWM 4236 - UST Visual Interstitial Log.docdoc169472
DWM 4236 - UST Visual Interstitial Log.pdfpdf32385
DWM 4260 - UST Certification of Properly Cleaned USTs.docdoc96768
DWM 4260 - UST Certification of Properly Cleaned USTs.pdfpdf23797
DWM 4261 - UST Classification Guide.docdoc192000
DWM 4261 - UST Classification Guide.pdfpdf69468
DWM 4262 - UST Closure Assessment Report Checklist.docdoc390144
DWM 4262 - UST Closure Assessment Report Checklist.pdfpdf106268
DWM 4263 - UST Corrective Action Certification.docdoc115712
DWM 4263 - UST Corrective Action Certification.pdfpdf27117
DWM 4264 - UST Groundwater Monitoring Checklist.docdoc186880
DWM 4264 - UST Groundwater Monitoring Checklist.pdfpdf53823
DWM 4265 - UST Interim Corrective Action Checklist.docdoc205824
DWM 4265 - UST Interim Corrective Action Checklist.pdfpdf58373
DWM 4266 - UST Notice of Intent to Permanently Close Underground Storage Tank or Piping.docdoc108032
DWM 4266 - UST Notice of Intent to Permanently Close Underground Storage Tank or Piping.pdfpdf29102
DWM 4267 - UST Over-Excavation Checklist.docdoc205824
DWM 4267 - UST Over-Excavation Checklist.pdfpdf57063
DWM 4268 - UST Site Check Checklist.docdoc218624
DWM 4268 - UST Site Check Checklist.pdfpdf62488
DWM 4269 - UST Site Investigation Checklist.docdoc236032
DWM 4269 - UST Site Investigation Checklist.pdfpdf67589
DWM 4270 - UST Vapor Intrusion Assessment Checklist.docdoc246272
DWM 4270 - UST Vapor Intrusion Assessment Checklist.pdfpdf77794
DWM 4271 - UST Vapor Intrusion Building Assessment Checklist.docdoc223232
DWM 4271 - UST Vapor Intrusion Building Assessment Checklist.pdfpdf72183
DWM 4280 - UST Affidavit of Termination of PSTEAF Contract.docdoc112128
DWM 4280 - UST Affidavit of Termination of PSTEAF Contract.pdfpdf39108
DWM 4281 - UST Affidavit of Waiver for PSTEAF Reimbursement.docdoc100864
DWM 4281 - UST Affidavit of Waiver for PSTEAF Reimbursement.pdfpdf25325
DWM 4282 - UST Application for Assistance for PSTEAF.docdoc204288
DWM 4282 - UST Application for Assistance for PSTEAF.pdfpdf76148
DWM 4283 - UST Application for Laboratory Certification.docdoc130048
DWM 4283 - UST Application for Laboratory Certification.pdfpdf40966
DWM 4284 - UST Application for PSTEAF Eligible Company or Partnership.docdoc283136
DWM 4284 - UST Application for PSTEAF Eligible Company or Partnership.pdfpdf88159
DWM 4285 - UST Claim Request for Actions Not Directed.docdoc151552
DWM 4285 - UST Claim Request for Actions Not Directed.pdfpdf51847
DWM 4286 - UST Claim Request for Directed Actions.pdfpdf45722
DWM 4286 - UST Claim Request for Directed Actions.xlsxxlsx73273
DWM 4287 - UST Miscellaneous Tasks Reimbursement Worksheet.pdfpdf58535
DWM 4287 - UST Miscellaneous Tasks Reimbursement Worksheet.xlsxxlsx88036
DWM 4288 - UST Optional Soil Removal at Permanent Cl.xlsxxlsx97139
DWM 4288 - UST Optional Soil Removal at Permanent Closure Reimbursement Worksheet.pdfpdf58448
DWM 4289 - UST Payment Waiver.docdoc126464
DWM 4289 - UST Payment Waiver.pdfpdf51893
DWM 4290 - UST Reconsideration Request.docdoc107520
DWM 4290 - UST Reconsideration Request.pdfpdf38027
DWM 4291 - UST Re-Evaluation of a Reimbursable Amount.docdoc125440
DWM 4291 - UST Re-Evaluation of a Reimbursable Amount.pdfpdf50264
DWM 4292 - UST Third-Party Claim.docdoc138240
DWM 4292 - UST Third-Party Claim.pdfpdf50005
DWM 4293 - UST Application for Assistance for SOTRA.docdoc178176
DWM 4293 - UST Application for Assistance for SOTRA.pdfpdf66172
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.