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​Capacity Development

The Capacity Development Program was created under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments of 1996.  Capacity Development is a process for public water systems to acquire and maintain the capacity (or capability) to consistently provide safe drinking water now and long into the future.  There are three components of capacity development: technical, managerial, and financial.  The Division of Water evaluates drinking water systems across the state based on these three components during a process called the Sanitary Survey.  Sanitary Surveys are conducted every 3 years for Community Water Systems and every 5 years for Non-community Water Systems.  

Venn diagram illustrating short- and long-term planning as the overlap of technical, managerial, and financial capacities

 In this context, capacity means the capability, adequacy, and competency of a drinking water system to supply safe drinking water now and  into the distant future.

The Capacity Development Strategy has been revised according to requirements of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, based on recommendations made by the Kentucky Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup. 

An effective tool that can be used to help drinking water systems achieve technical, managerial, and financial capacity is Asset Management.  It is a process of managing our utilities by maintaining the desired level of service at the lowest life cycle cost.    

Five Core Components of Asset Management:
  •   Asset Inventory
  •   Service Level
  •   Critical Asset Assessment
  •   Life Cycle Costing
  •   Long-term Funding Strategy

Benefits of Asset Management:
  •   Increased knowledge of asset location and condition
  •   Increased understanding of which assets are critical to the utility
  •   Greater ability to plan and pay for future repairs and replacements
  •   Better prioritization of capital improvement projects
  •   Better operational decisions
  •   More efficient operation
  •   Improved emergency response
  •   Rates based on sound information
  •   Increased acceptance of rates
  •   Improved customer communication and service

Resources for Asset Management:
EPA Asset Management

SW EFC's Integrated Asset Management Framework

Preparing, maintaining, and exercising an Emergency Response Plan are all essential to the fluid operation of a public water system. The purpose of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is to spell out a water system’s plan of action in the event of a disaster or emergency, i.e., tornado, staff shortage, winter storm, MCL violation, flood, drought, etc. 

An effective ERP will prepare each staff member for any emergency situation. In the best-case scenario, all infrastructure, equipment, and personnel will be ready and out of harm’s way in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
  ►  An ERP should be complete, up-to-date, and readily available.
  ►  No two water systems are identical; therefore, no two ERPs will be the same.
  ►  An ERP is a “living” document and requires periodic updates and reviews.
An ERP should include:
  •  Chain of command
  •  Contact information
  •  Plant Schematic
  •  System demand
  •  Notification procedures
  •  Stand-by power requirements
  •  System components
  •  Alternate water sources
  •  Source information
  •  Training and exercise records

Emergency Response Plan template [1616 KB]

Jason Lambert, Environmental Scientist, 502-782-7001

Ryan Reed, Environmental Scientist, 502-782-7045​​

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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