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The Green Project Reserve

Clean Water State Revolving Fund​

The Green Project Reserve (GPR) is a provision of the State Revolving Fund (SRF) that designates funds for projects that are considered “green.”  The provision generally states that to the extent there are sufficient eligible project applications, not less than 20 percent of the capitalization grant shall be used by states for projects to address green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, or other environmentally innovative activities.  This provision has been included in appropriation bills since the 2009 ARRA capitalization grant and remains a requirement for the Capitalization grant.

Projects meeting GPR criteria are subject to all SRF program requirements.  A complete list of criteria for determining CWSRF GPR eligibility can be found in the GPR guidance Document.
Some examples of green projects include but are not limited to:

  • Collection system Infiltration/Inflow (I/I) detection equipment
  • Energy management planning including energy audits, energy assessments, optimization studies, etc.
  • Renewable energy projects such as wind, solar, geothermal, micro-hydroelectric, and biogas combined heat and power systems that provide power to a utility
  • Recycling and water reuse projects that replace potable sources with non-potable sources
  • Fee simple purchase of land or easements on land that has a direct benefit to water quality, such as riparian and wetland protection
  • Projects that involve the management of wetlands to improve water quality and/or support green infrastructure efforts (e.g., flood attenuation)
  • Wet weather management systems for parking areas, including permeable pavement, bioretention, trees, green roofs, constructed wetlands
  • Stormwater harvesting and reuse projects, including pipe to distribute stormwater for reuse
  • Downspout disconnection to remove stormwater from sanitary, combined sewers and storm sewers
  • Construction of U.S. Building Council LEED-certified buildings or renovation at the wastewater treatment facility
  • Decentralized wastewater treatment solutions to existing deficient or failing onsite wastewater systems
  • Innovative treatment and collection options, which provide for advanced treatment solutions
  • Projects that achieve a 20-percent reduction in energy consumption

Contact the Kentucky Division of Water to find out if your project qualifies as a green project.

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