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​​Added link to new 319(h) Grant Application Walkthrough video in Quick LinksAdded link to new 319(h) Grant Application Walkthrough video in Quick Links​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

By amendment to the federal Clean Water Act in 1987, the Section 319(h) Grant program was established to provide funding for efforts to reduce nonpoint source pollution. Each year DOW applies to US EPA to receive 319(h) funding. After receiving the federal award, DOW distributes a majority of the monies received through a competitive grant award process. Within this program, funds may be used to demonstrate innovative best management practices (BMPs), support education and outreach programs, develop Watershed Based Plans, and to implement Watershed Based Plans. Funds can be used to pay for 60 percent of the total cost for each project; a 40 percent nonfederal match is required.

Applicants to the Commonwealth's Section 319(h) Grant Program are highly encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent. Interested applicants may include communities, citizen groups, government agencies, colleges or universities and nonprofits. Letters of Intent are reviewed and by NPS and Basin Team Section. Each Letter of Intent will be assigned a Technical Advisor and Basin Coordinator to assist with application development.

The grant award application is substantially more detailed compared to the proposal. Applications include several pages of project summary and background, detailed objectives, a milestone schedule, a list of project partners with letters of support, and a comprehensive budget. DOW staff are available to work with applicants to ensure all parts of the application are completed sufficiently for submission. Complete applications that are received by the annual deadline are reviewed and ranked by DOW and an expanded group of invited partners. Awards are granted to those applications that rank the highest. The top applicants consistently build partnerships in their watershed that include stakeholders from all areas to achieve citizen and government support and maintain sustainable results. DOW strives to fund as many applications as possible in order to see the greatest positive impact on nonpoint source pollution in Kentucky.​​

  1. Read the Grant Guidance Document and Application instructions.
  2. Contact a NPS staff member (your Basin Coordinator) to discuss your potential project.
  3. Submit a Letter of Intent by November 15, 2024.
  4. A NPS staff member will contact you to discuss your project.
  5. Submit application. Application must be postmarked by midnight February 14, 2025. If delivered by hand, application must be received by 4:30 p.m. ET February 14, 2025​, at the Division of Water, NPS Section, 300 Sower Blvd., Third Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601.
  6. Contract written and executed.
  7. Project estimated start date October 1, 2025.

​319(h) Past Funded Projects​

Contractor Project Summary 319(h) Grant Funds Non-Federal Match Grant Total
​Programmatic Funding
​Upper Buck Creek Watershed Project
​Pulaski County Conservation District
​Project plans to develop an EPA approved Watershed-Based Plan for Upper Buck Creek Watershed in the Upper Cumberland Basin
​Investing in Human Capital to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution in Kentucky
​University of Kentucky Research Foundation
​This project will implement a mini-grant and demonstration program focused in priority watersheds and provide technical assistance to watershed and agricultural professionals on agricutural water quality.
​Clarks River Watershed Coordinator (Bee Creek and Clayton Creek)
​Friends of Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge
​Project plans to develop an EPA approved Watershed-Based Plan for Bee Creek and Clayton Creek Watersheds in the Four Rivers Basin
​Kentucky Watershed Network - Community Action for Clean Water
​Kentucky Waterways Alliance
​This project seeks to develop a program that provides technical training and support on NPS issues to audiences in communities in all 7 River Basins by overseeing and implementing a seed grant program throughout the state.
​Implementation Funding
Banklick Watershed Plan Implementation and HAP for Sewer Connections
​Banklick Watershed Council
​This project supports a watershed coordinator that will incorporate a TMDL Alternative Plan and implement watershed programs including septic repairs, basin retrofits, nature based solutions, and riparian buffer preservation. 
​Wolf Run Watershed Water Quality Basins and Update
​Lexington Fayette Urban Co Government
​This project implements BMP 48 and 49 as recommended by the Wolf Run Watershed Management Plan. BMP #48 will retrofit the Regency Road detention basin and #49 will create a detention basin. The Watershed Plan BMP table will also be updated as recommended in chapter 7.

Redbird River Septic and Education Project
​Kentucky Waterways Alliance
​This project will continue to support a watershed coordinator who will work to install 13 septic systems in the watershed and host septic education opportunities.
​Chestnut Creek Homeowners Assistance Program

​Friends of Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge
​This project will continue to support a watershed coordinator who will continue to implement a Homeowners Assistance Program that provides financial assistance for connecting homeowners to newly expanded sewer lines.
​Hinkston Creek Watershed Improvement Plan

​Bluegrass Greensource 
​This project will continue to support a watershed coordinator that will implement Homeowner Assistance Programs that provides financial assistance for septic maintenance/repairs and riparian zone plantings.

ContractorProject Summary319(h) Grant FundsNon-Federal MatchGrant Total
Programmatic Funding
Strengthening Project WET in KentuckyKentucky Association for Environmental Education (KAEE)Project goals are to build and strengthen the Project WET network in Kentucky and increase water literacy and water education opportunities for educators in the state.$80,000$53,333$133,333
McDougal Creek and Castleman Creek Combined Watershed PlanLaRue County Fiscal CourtProject plans to develop an EPA approved Watershed-Based Plan for McDougal Creek and Castleman Creek watersheds in the Green River Basin.$42,774$28,516$71,290
Implementation Funding

Middle Fork Beargrass Creek (MFBGC) Watershed Coordinator,

Salt River Basin

Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD)This project will hire a Watershed Coordinator to address non-point source pollution in MFBGC.$95,536$63,390$158,926
Basin Design, Retrofit and Education Project for Currys Fork Watershed, Salt River BasinOldham County Fiscal CourtThe project goals include demonstrating the integration of the critical discharge (Qcritical) flow rate into designs for new basins and retrofits for existing basins. Additionally the project will focus on expanding community engagement through education, training and action in the Currys Fork Watershed.$129,000$86,000$215,000
Chestnut Creek Watershed Plan Implementation, Four Rivers BasinFriends of Clark River National Wildlife RefugeThis project will continue to support a local Watershed Coordinator who will work to expand the agriculture BMP implementation program for local producers. Additionally, the project will support the 'Homeowners Assistance Program' which provides financial assistance for connecting homeowners to newly expanded sewer lines.$181,000$120,667$301,667

Lincoln County Homeowner Assistance Program – Phase 2,

Kentucky River Basin

Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP)This project will eliminate approximately 363 failing or close to failing septic systems and straight pipes.$338,520$225,680$564,200

South Fork of Little River Watershed Based Plan Implementation – Phase 2,

Four Rivers Basin

Hopkinsville Surface and Stormwater UtilityThis project will continue to support a local Watershed Coordinator wo will continue to work with landowners and homeowners to implement Best Management Practices.$85,488$56,992$142,480

Sulphur Creek Watershed Ag BMP Implementation Plan – Phase IV,

Salt River Basin

Mercer County ConservationThis project aims to reduce nonpoint source pollution inputs of pathogens to the sub-watershed by implementing a cost-share program to assist landowners with installing Agriculture Best Management Practices.$147,934$98,623$246,557​



Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.