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​The reauthorized AML Reclamation Program, funded by the federal AML Reclamation Fund, allows states and tribes to abate problems caused by historic coal mining (that which ceased prior to May 18, 1982).  AML problems are prioritized based on their degree of hazard and the annual grant amount of AML reclamation funding that KYDAML receives is based on a formula that incorporates historic coal production and current coal production.  As a result, annual distributions from the AML Reclamation Fund rise and fall in conjunction with changes in the amount of coal currently mined.  The recently announced Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation, or BIL, provides KYDAML with a second funding source (BIL funding) to address prioritized hazards related to historic (AML-eligible) coal mining.  Rather than being subject to the variations in the coal market like AML Reclamation fund distributions, the amount of BIL funding awarded will be the same every year. ​

Belfry AML Project
Happy Valley AML Project Hazard Ky

House damaged by landslideRock fall on barn

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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