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​​The Division of Abandoned Mine Lands has the responsibility to reclaim mine sites which have had reclamation bonds forfeited and which continue, to degrade the quality of the environment, prevent or damage the beneficial use of land or water resources, or endanger the health or safety of the public. The goal of the program is the reclamation of bond forfeiture sites, within the limits of the amount of available forfeited funds.

If the bond is not enough to complete reclamation and it forfeited after 2014, the Division of Abandoned Mine Lands will coordinate with the Kentucky Reclamation Guaranty Fund to ensure that adequate reclamation funding is available. 

Bond forfeiture reclamation practices may include earthwork, revegetation, pond removal, highwall reclamation and slide repair. As with AML, Bond Forfeiture projects must meet technical specifications. Contractors will bid on bond forfeiture projects over $40,000.00 advertised through the Kentucky Online Planroom. If you are wanting to register as contractor to do work for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, please visit the Contractor Information area of the the Kentucky Division of Abandoned Mine Lands website. 


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