Mining and reclamation plan (MRP) maps are required to be submitted with an application for a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. MRP maps are generally drawn on an enlarged U.S. Geological Survey 7 1/2-minute topographic map at a scale of 400 or 500 feet to the inch. Permitted surface and underground mine boundaries and facilities associated with coal mining operations are shown along with names and locations of streams and other bodies of water, roads, buildings, cemeteries, oil and gas wells, public parks, public property and utility lines.
A digital MRP map consists of one or more georeferenced JPEG images and the corresponding .jgw world files. They have been compressed into a .zip file and made available for downloading from the Internet.
The digital MRP map files are named with the associated permit number and an extension indicating whether the permit is an original permit (org, nw, new), an amendment (am, amd), revision (rev), mid-term (mt), field revision (frev), minor revision (mi), major revision (ma), succession (su) or a renewal (rn). Some maps contain multiple sheets, in which case a sequential letter is appended to the end of each file name.
All maps are projected in the NAD83 Kentucky Single Zone Coordinate System unless otherwise indicated.