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​​The Division of Mine Permits requires electronic submittal of proposed permit boundaries, approved permit boundaries, fills, haul roads, permanent impoundments and bond increments in shapefile format. RAM #158 provides documentation on format specifications.

QGIS is a free desktop mapping application which can be used to verify that shapefiles display correctly before they are submitted to the Division of Mine Permits.  It can be downloaded here

Shapefile Supporting Documents
DownloadInformationFile Size
Empty DMP ShapefileUseful target file for merge operation1302
Counties SZKy counties shapefile in Single Zone2332201
Kentucky Single Zone Projection FileIf your software does not create a .PRJ file566
RAM 158Mandatory Submission of Shapefiles for Permit Applications583641
Sample RAM158 ShapefileFully attributed example of shapefile19560
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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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