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KHLCF Stewardship Award Recipients

Given by the KHLCF Board to an organization or individual that has demonstrated outstanding efforts in natural areas management or environmental education programming. For information on these natural areas, just go to our locations page.

2019- Mary Margaret Lowe and Eugene Lacefield

2018 - Clay Hill Memorial Forest - Campbellsville University

2017 - Morgan Conservation Park - Oldham County Fiscal Court and Parks Department

2016 - Shelby Trails Greenway - Shelby County Fiscal Court and Parks Department

2015 - Morning View Heritage Land - Kenton County Conservation District

2014 - James E. Bickford State Nature Preserve - Pine Mountain Settlement School;                                            Lilley Cornett Woods - Eastern Kentucky University

2013 - Broke Leg Falls - Menifee County Fiscal Court

2012 - Livingston County Natural Areas - Livingston County Fiscal Court;                                                               Baker Natural Area - Logan County Conservation Districts

2011 - Lower Howard's Creek - Clark County Fiscal Court

2010 - Cove Springs Park - City of Frankfort

2009 - KSU Environmental Education and Research Center - Kentucky State University

KNP Biodiversity Award Recipients

Given to an organziation or individual who has contributed significantly to native species conservation or scientific research.

2019- Lee Andrews ( Press Release)

2018 - Kentucky Native Plant Society

2015 - Christy Lee Brown (Press Release)

2014 - Loran D. Gibson (Press Release)

2013 - Ben and Pat Begley (Press Release)

2012 - Dr. Scott Grubbs and Drs. Albert & Ouida Meier (Press Release)

2011 - Kentucky Educational Television - Kentucky Life (Press Release)

2010 - Dr. James D. Layzer (Press Release)

2009 - Dr. David Maehr (Press Release)

2008 - Dr. Thomas C. Barr Jr. (Press Release)

2007 - Hugh Archer (Press Release)

2006 - Dr. William H. Martin (Press Release)

2005 - Dr. Ronald L. Jones (Press Release)

2004 - Dr. Charles V. Covell Jr. (Press Release)

2003 - Tom Fitzgerald (Press Release)

2002 - Dr. Guenter Schuster (Press Release)

2001 - John MacGregor

2000 - Dr. Allen Risk

1999 - Carl Cook

1998 - Dr. Julian Campbell

1997 - Jeff Hohman

1996 - Dr. Thomas Barnes

KNP Volunteer Steward Award Recipients

Given to an individual that has demonstrated outstanding efforts in natural areas management or environmental education programming on KNP lands. This award was merged with the KHLCF Stewardship Award in 2018.

2017 - Myrel Short

2015 - Kyle Elliott (Press Release)

2014 - Bob and Ruth Matheny (Press Release)

2012 - Dr. William Bliss Crankshaw (Press Release)

2010 - Jim Allen (Press Release)

2007 - Mary Carol Cooper

2006 - Harold Kelley (Press Release)

2005 - Robert Dunlap (Press Release)

2004 - Sonja Fields (Press Release)

2003 - Ed Craft (Press Release)

2002 - Cumberland Chapter of the Sierra Club (Press Release)

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300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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