Buck Creek Nature Preserve, Pulaski County Fiscal Court, 35 acres.
This small preserve of mature forest purchased from The Nature Conservancy is located in a sea of recently harvested forest and open agricultural lands and was purchased to protect water quality in Buck Creek which is outstanding resource water with 73 species of fish and 30 species of mussels occurring throughout the creek. There are two significant mussel beds that occur adjacent to the property and several endangered mussels can be found in these beds including the federally endangered Cumberland Bean and the state endangered purple Lilliput and Tennessee clubshell. Two additional rare mussel species, the federally endangered Cumberland combshell and state endangered fluted kidneyshell, are found very close to the preserve as are state special concern sedge wrens and Henslow’s sparrows in the uplands. The state special concern Northern White Cedar is located at one corner of the preserve. The upland forest is dominated by American beech, eastern hemlock and white oak with an understory of mountain laurel which is unique considering the location of this preserve.
Open dawn to dusk via foot traffic only on the hiking trail. From US 27 go to Kentucky 70 in northern Pulaski County and turn to the east traveling approximately 5.3 miles to KY 485 and turn north for approximately 1.9 miles on Goochtown Road (KY 485). Turn right (east) onto Goodhope-Goochtown road and follow for approximately one-half mile crossing Buck Creek. The parking lot will be immediately adjacent to the creek on the left.